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Pain. Pain was all the young android felt at the moment of being thrown on the street. She felt as if there was no hope for her, as though someone at midnight would notice her wires hanging from where her fingers should be. The pain made her cry a bit, her wires from her arms ticking every few steps she makes.

The sidewalk lights could be seen from miles, none were lit making Vivi tilt her head a bit. Her night vision came in handy for once, she could see that no surroundings were met with no single soul making Vivi sigh in thankfulness. Luck was on her side tonight.

Vivi tilted her head as she turned the corner to the next street. Resting nicely as the last street she supposed, this time a light from what it looked came from a small store. Chaewon's Coffee & Bake? She got closer to the shop on the street, a girl with black hair came into her view, dancing she was, and dancing like there was no tomorrow while she cleaned the counters and tables.

Vivi giggled at her poor attempt at dancing and made her way even closer, no fear was present in Vivi's body. Odd she thought, she had been scared of humans her whole life since being created, why was she just now feelings warmth? What was wrong with her? She should run. Flee. Escape. She'll hurt you. Vivi ignored the thoughts, her programming felt as though it was glitching. Who is this girl? Why is she making me feel this way?

The dig from the opening of the store door made the black haired girl turn, in shock of course she screamed. Wires were torn from Vivi's arm, Vivi stood unaware of how to take the scream from where she was standing. The other girl saw her arms, the damage that had been done on her, 'Why are there wires in her?' she thought. 

"Miss? Is everything okay?" The response sent Vivi flying to somewhere she could hide. There it was, her program was set in agian. Fear her. Fear her. She'll hurt you like they did. Keep hiding till it's too late. 

The name tag sat on the younger girls shirt read as Chaewon, Chaewon held onto her broom closing her eyes at the hearing of glass falling from the tables. Why is she hiding?

Vivi crawled down to under the table booth to her right, scared for her life unaware of what will happen to her next. "Please! Please don't hurt me!" Chaewon walked slowly to the table, she was just as confused as Vivi. Why did she have the sudden urge to help this young woman? Why was wires coming out from everywhere on her body? Was she abused? Should I call the police? Question ran fast through her head, not sure of what the answers were to any of her questions.

"Ma'am! No one is going to hurt you okay? Please calm down everything will be okay, alright? Do you need some water? I'll go get some water." The android calmed her system, hearing the soft crunchy voice of Chaewon comfort her, seeing her face full as just as much fear, she stood up from underneath the table to have a seat, looking blankly at the wall waiting for Chaewon to come back.

"Ma'am? M-May I ask you why wires are coming out of you?" Vivi should've known this question would be asked. She lied on Chaewon's bed in her apartment that had been above her shop, roomy it was, it was full of much greenery wrapping around her ceiling. Chaewon stood over her, eyebrows frowning as she was hesitant to touch her wires.

"I'm sure you know already, Chaewon." The girl's eyes widened, sighing, noticing that she still had her name tag hanging on her shirt. Wait? This woman can't be a robot right? She shot up from her knees, now hovering on the left side of Vivi.

"R-Robot?" Vivi breathed in roughly at her reaction, her system was use to the torture of the thoughts of what humans would do to her, what her creators have told her. Though the feeling of Chaewon next to her warmed her, that she wasn't really able to put a pin point on why her system was reacting this way. That scared her the most. "Should you be scared of me? Does it hurt? Were you sent to hurt me? Oh my god is this the end of the world?"

Vivi giggled at the sight of Chaewon struggling the situation, but the answer to all of Chaewon's questions could be answered except for two. She did still hurt, but the feeling slowly had went away once the warmth of Chaewon came in her system. She wasn't sent to hurt her of course, though she couldn't remember the reason she was sent out and thrown on the street, all that she was angry, confused and hurt. What was left was first and last question, she didn't know the answer to either.

"I wasn't sent to hurt you, and the pain, it's slowly going away..." Chaewon wiped her tears away, once again looking back to the girl laying on her bed. Vivi had the look of comfort on her face, but in her eyes you could see the hint of anger and sadness. The android was very well at hiding it.

"Is there anything else I can do to help? I really should call the police maybe that ca-"

"NO!" Vivi shot up from her position, the action was so fast that both jumped back at it. It was so reactive for Vivi that she scared herself, Chaewon fell to the floor looking up at Vivi. 

"I'm so sorry, I don't know whats happening." She fell to sitting back on the bed, arms flying to her eyes, she started to cry. Chaewon was thinking of going over to the robot to clam her down but she wasn't sure if that was the best decision to make at the moment. What was she going to do? If the police weren't going to help than what was she suppose to do?

Chaewon blurted her words out, unaware of what the reaction may be but, she still said it.

"Do you want to stay with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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