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"Mmm..." I woke up to someone banging on my door. "MISAKI COME ON IDIOT WERE GONNA BE LATE!" Katsuki yells and I slump out of bed. "What are you yelling about?" I open my door and see Katsuki and Kirishima standing in there uniforms. "Come on shit head we have school and you're driving me today." Katsuki says and I perk up. "Fuck yeah! Ok I'll be down in a second!" I slam my door and quickly get dressed. 

I brush my hair and decided to leave it out since it was pretty flat today and not spiky. I grab the bracelet Shoto gave me and put it on then run downstairs and run outside. I see Kirishima and Katsuki standing outside my beautiful new car and smile. "Come on shit stains lets get going!" I hop in the front seat and the boys get in the back. "Oh what am I a chauffeur now?" I ask starting the car. 

"Yeah now lets hurry it up!" Katsuki yells and I laugh. I drive down the street but instead of going to school I stop by Shoto's house I told him I'd pick him up before we left. I text him that I'm outside and a second later he comes running out barley finished getting dressed. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I'M GOING TO SCHOOL!" Shoto yells, I've never heard him yell. 

"Shoto please don't go to school like this!" A girl I'm assuming his sister comes running out after him and holy shit endeavor and another boy with silver hair following after. "Then tell him to stop telling me what to do! He barges in my room while I'm asleep to tell me some bullshit!" Shoto buttons up his shirt and I notice the hickey I gave him the other day on his chest. The roof of my car was down so we heard everything. 

"Please Sho!" The girl chases after him. "Fuyumi I love you but please I'm fine!" Shoto open the door to my car and gets in. "Hey Baby." He kissed my quickly then puts on his jacket. "SHOTO WHO THE HELL IS THAT!" endeavor comes running. "drive!" Shoto yells and I take off. "FUCK OFF!" Shoto flips off his dad as I race out of there. "Holy shit icy-hot thats was cool! I've never seen your pussy ass yell!" Katsuki says and I look at Shoto.

"Are you ok?" I ask and he nods, He fixes his hair and uniform and I grab his hand keeping one hand on the wheel. "what happened?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "He came in my room this morning screaming and yelling cause I didn't get home till late last night. Then he say my chest and flipped out so I just ran out of there." Shoto says and I feel bad. "But I drove you home at 7?" I say and he blushes. "Yeah I went back out... I went to go see my mom." He says and I nod. 

He never really mentions his mom..."I'm sorry baby. You look good still." I say and he smirks at me. "UGH could you not?" Katsuki ask and I laugh. I turn up my music and we all listen the rest of the ride to school..

-Shoto's POV-

I watched Misaki as she droves us to school. She was so beautiful I want her to meet my mom but I also want her to meet my brother and sister but.... then dad will want to meet her and I don't want that. Misaki's hair blows in the wind as she sings along to the song she had on. I blush when I look at her neck and see a bite mark on it. 

"Hey idiot whats this?" Bakugo points at the bite mark and she starts laughing. "What that?" Misaki says looking at his neck and he blushes. "Yeah thats what I thought." She says turning into the school parking lot. "Alright lets go to class." We all get out of the car and walk to class. Misaki walks ahead of me, Bakugo, and Kirishima and I watched as her hair bounced as she walked. 

"Hey Misaki!" Mina was walking the opposite direction and she waved at us. "Oh hey Mina! Where you going?" Misaki asks looking at mina as she walks away. "Bathroom, Aizawa's late so I'm going to go pee." Mina runs off making Misaki laugh. Misaki didn't notice but a big guy who looked like he was in his third year was walking towards her and she accidentally bumped into him dropping his books to the floor. 

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!" She bends over to pick up all the books and papers on the floor making her skirt ride up a bit. The guy looked like he was about to yell at her but when he saw her skirt and smirked. "Yeah no problem thanks for picking up my stuff." The guy says staring at her ass. OH fuck no. I stand in front of Misaki so the guy can't look at her butt anymore. "I'm so sorry again I wasn't watching where I was going!" Misaki hands the guy his books and I glare at him. 

"Thanks Little lady." The guy winks at Misaki and she raises an eye brow at him. "You know you're pretty cute for a clumsy girl." The guy says and she looks at me. I was pissed. My right side started getting hot. "I have a boyfriend." Misaki says grabbing my hand and I calm down. "Hmm.." The guy looks at me and I glare at him. "You should drop this zero and get with me. I'll show you a good time." He says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"yeah ok then." She grabs his hand and flips him so she had him in a hold he yelps. "I apologized for the book, then I told you I have a boyfriend. Now please Apologize to me and my boyfriend who is definitely not a zero." Misaki says to the guy. Behind me I hear Bakugo laughing and cheering Misaki on. "Damn bitch your crazy!" the guy yells. "What the fuck did you just call her?" I ask and Misaki looks at me. "I called her a crazy bitch!" the guys yells and I couldn't control it. 

I was already pissed about my father and now this guy calling Misaki a bitch? "Shoto it's ok-" I punch the guy in the jaw and Misaki lets him go. "Crap!" She yells and grabs my hand. "OH SHIT ICY-HOT!" Bakugo yells and next thing I know me and Misaki are running down the hall. "HELL YEAH THAT WAS BADASS!" "Super manly standing up for your girl!" Bakugo and Kirishima yell as we run down the hall. "Idiot! You could get in trouble!" Misaki yells and we get tot he classroom. 

"He called you a bitch." I look back to where the guy was lying on the ground, people surrounded him but nobody seem know it was me. "Oh shit did I knock him out?" I ask and she starts giggling. "Thank you Shoto but you didn't need to do that." She cups my cheek and I feel my heart melt. "I- I just didn't like him tasing about you like.." I say looking away. She kissed my nose like I love how she does. "Your mine and I'm yours. Nobody what anyone says about us, what they call me, what they call you. We're together that's all that matters." She says and I feel my face heat up.

"I love you..." I say and her eyes widen. "I-" Alright everyone to there seats, stop making out in the hallways." Aizawa pushes past us and we are rushed to our seats. Fuck! I messed up did I say I love you too soon? Is that a thing I have to worry about  What was she about to say before Aizawa showed up? Damn it can this day get any worse! She's probably pissed- "Psst Shoto..." Misaki puts a notes on my desk then quickly looks at the front so Aizawa doesn't see us. 

I look down at the note and unfold it. Inside there was a little sketch of me and her with little hearts around it and on top is big letters "I LOVE YOU TOO! " and I smile. I look over at Misaki who was smirking at the front of the bored. I fold the note and put it in my wallet to save it forever. She's really the most amazing girl in the world and she makes my day so much better....



Ya'll- I need some help hahahah! I love this story and I hope you guys are liking it but... IDK WHERE TO GO WITH IT! I'm def gonna end it soon but idk how hahah I need help! If you have any suggestions or ideas of where to go with this then tell me if not Imma just do whatever haha. Thanks to all ya'll for reading this and adding it you your booklists it makes me so happy! 

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