of suicide

4 0 0

half of it make me slept

maybe all of it would kill me

I woke up for today- couldn't get up from

that kind of heavyness

can't get rid of that kind of heavyness

adding gravity till I fall

taking it all till I die

I am shaking, walking up- me with that heavyness

I am guilty for doing this to myself-I confess

I confess all of my heavyness for something greater give me grace

I confess all of my heavyness for something greater

give me grace

I am heavyly breathing


that mirror- affect

                               Do you see what I see

I am affected from that something would give me grace

I am hallucinating

all mirrors shattered- I am all over pieces

I am cutting myself with some of my pieces

repeatedly, I am hallucinating that I am dying

been living in someone elses dream


All me's shattering

in the end, am I gonna see who I am really


look at the pieces of who I was

myself being is shattered- my body is shaking

I am crawling to my end

while everything I took flowing inside me

pieces of me breaking down with falling to excuses

ever excuse in my mind leaving me to



I confess all my heavyness for something that execute me

fighting with every minute in the clock

pushing away stressed minutes with power of music

spending hours/days/weeks with looking to a blank paper

filling those with weeks I spend from pain to the killer, some painkiller

I spend months to just fill some useless paper with meaningless verses

and I know how to levitate verses to tricky centeces

I still fall through to verses yet, tho

I still fall apart.

mon euphorie // benim öforimWhere stories live. Discover now