Freak This

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Freak This

11:08 pm to Awsten Knight from Sonora

Sonora: Awsten? Are you awake?

Awsten: I am now. What's going on?

Sonora: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Awsten: Naw, I was kidding. I was awake.

11:09 pm

Awsten: What's up though?

Sonora: Oh, good. I just couldn't sleep and needed someone to talk to. :(

Awsten: What happened?? Tell me please!

Sonora: :) Thank you for caring, you really are sweet. I was just thinking of certain things and they started to stress me out.

Awsten: What were you thinking about?

Sonora: My dad. I stopped seeing him a few months ago and he keeps trying to reach me. He thinks we are going to keep seeing each other. I already decided that I didn't want anything to do with him after I turned 18 and I meant that, although that hasn't happened until a few months ago. He abused me and my family so why in heck would I want to keep in touch with him!?

Awsten: I'm sorry sonora. You shouldn't have to deal with that bullshit. You just tell him to fuck off. If he ever tries to come after you then tell me and I'll help you take care of it

Sonora: Thanks, Awsten. I don't think it would be smart to tell him to f off though.

Awsten: It would be pretty funny though

Sonora: Maybe for a little while but then he'd get mad or something.

Awsten: He's a bitch for sure

Sonora: Yeah, for sure.

11:10 pm

Awsten: You deserved better and I'm glad that your stepdad was able to give you that

Sonora: You're too sweet, Awsten.

Awsten: Not as sweet as you.

Sonora: Stop! I don't deserve all this flattery.

Awsten: You do though. You deserve all the flattery and more

Sonora: Don't lie, I'm not that special.

Awsten: That's rude to accuse me of lying. I would never lie to someone about how special they are.

Sonora: Sorry, I just don't think I'm that significant.

Awsten: Fuck that. You're awesome Sonora!

Sonora: Why?

Awsten: Really!? Are you seriously asking this right now? FINE! You are awesome because of your kindness, your beauty inside and out, and your wonderful singing voice.

Sonora: Thank you for the compliments. Do you really mean all that?

Awsten: Yes! Like I said, I don't lie.

Sonora: Thank you! You are the kindest person I know!!

Awsten: Thanks, Sonono.

Sonora: I haven't been called that in years!

Awsten: It suits your stunning personality.

Sonora: Thanks! It's the best nickname I've ever been given.

Awsten: Do you wanna grab breakfast tomorrow?

Sonora: Yeah! That would be nice! 8:00?

Awsten: 8:30?

Sonora: UGH! Fine.

Awsten: :) Great! I'll pick you up at 8:30!! IHOP okay?

Sonora: Yeah. That sounds fine.

Awsten: Awesome! Goodknight Sonono. See you tomorrow.

Sonora: Knight, Awsten!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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