the only part mwahaha

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One solemn day a duck walked up to a lemonade stand. His dark eyes sparkled as he looked into the man's blue eyes. They looked for a split second and the duck felt indestructible. The duck smirked, wanting what he came here for, well, that and the man. "Got any grapes," he said. The man looked startled, almost as if he was unable to comprehend that the duck was speaking to him. "N-no" the man stuttered "but I-I could get you a glass of l-lemonade" the duck smiled, enjoying the effect he had on the man. "No thanks, I think I'll just waddle away," the duck said, pretending not to care as he took a step back and turned around. The man whimpered as the duck began to leave, he felt empty at the loss of intimacy. For the rest of the day, all that they could think about was each other. 

The next day the duck was in his nest when he snapped. He had to see the man again. He walked back up to the lemonade stand feeling confident in his stride. The man's eyes lit up when he saw the duck. The duck could tell he was thinking about him just the same. The man began to speak but the duck put a wing to his lips, making him quiet. "Got any grapes?" He whispered, his beak just inches from the man's lips. "N-no, only lemonade" the man stuttered "guess I'll waddle away then," the duck said, breaking eye contact. 

This charade continued for weeks and both the man and the duck began looking forward to the daily visit. One day the duck fell sick and couldn't come. The man spent the whole day worrying and couldn't focus on anything. He realized that he loved the duck too much, he had to break contact, no matter how much it hurt him. 

The next day when the duck came, the man was angry. "If you ask me for grapes ONE MORE TIME, I'll glue you to the tree!" He shouted at the duck. The duck was taken aback at the man's words and waddled away having said nothing. "Wait!" The man croaked out as he watched the duck disappear into the bushes. 

The duck came the next day and instead of asking for grapes, he said something new: "got any glue?" "What?" The man said biting his tongue so his feelings for the duck wouldn't spill out "got any glue?" The duck said once more. "No i-" the man began before he was interrupted by the duck. "Got any grapes?" The duck said, smiling. "I-" the man said realizing instantly. "You know what?" The man chuckled, "follow me" he leads the duck to a nearby grocery store, wing in hand, and picked out grapes from the fruit aisle. 

He purchased the grapes and gave one to the duck. The duck took the grape and studied it. "y'know, he said, I'm actually really in the mood for some lemonade right about now. The man looked at him, shocked and the duck took the opportunity to kiss him. They melted into the kiss, becoming one. As they broke away the man studied the duck's face for a second. "Anything for you," he said and they lived happily ever after

(word count- 551)

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