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Portions of this story will make better sense if you have read my previous stories, "Leaf the Nice" and "The Troll War". If you haven't read those, I don't think this story will leave you scratching your head very often. I'll try to give you some background as we move forward.

In my first two stories, there were references to, and some interaction with The Wizard Thorn Berry. But where, or maybe how, did this Wizard come to be? He wasn't always a Wizard, and he wasn't sent by the Gods, or created by some magical spell.

This then, is the story of Thorn Berry and how he became a Wizard.

The time is well before Leaf the Nice, and a few years since the war of long ago, when humans, because of their greed and selfishness, were chased out of their beautiful land, forced to pass through the Land of Elf and the Troll Kingdom, and beyond to an unclaimed portion on the other side of this unique world. 

Over time the humans forgot about the war, and being driven out of their lovely land.  They forgot about the elves, trolls, dragons, bats, magic, and all the other things they had experienced.  Those memories were erased from their minds.

The Wizard Thorn BerryWhere stories live. Discover now