Not allowed home?

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                    Peter Parker, Or Peter Stark, that's me, Sat in Chem 3, falling asleep from my patrol Spider-manning till 3:00 A.M. I  woke with a start  at the loud bell, well loud to me. I have enhanced hearing making the bell sound like a scream in my ear. The whole class packed their bags to leave, when Mr. Harrington said, "Wait! Sit down for another minute, I have to hand out the slips for a surprise field-trip tomorrow! I will not tell you where we are going but you all need to get them signed for tomorrow. If they are not signed then you will have to head back home for the day, any questions?" The whole class cheered then shook their heads. " Alright then have a good rest of your day! Oh and Peter come see me when you're done packing up."

                    i grabbed my bags, and walked up to Mr. Harrington. "Yes Mr. H?" i said. " Oh Peter, sadly you can not attend the field-trip due to the fact that you've been spreading a rumor that you are Tony Starks personal Intern. That is just unacceptable, so this is your punishment, now, have a good day and I expect to not see you tomorrow." " yes Mr. H" I replied.

                     I  walked out the door annoyed, even Mr. H didn't believe me! To be fair, my dad, A.K.A Tony Stark, didn't have a personal intern, I  played that role and i was Tonys son. The personal intern thing was just a cover up, but still! As I was walking, I  wasn't paying attention and ran right into Flash Thompson, The person who made it his job to make high school miserable. "Watch where you're  going Puny Parker!" He Yelled. Flash then proceeded to punch me in the gut, granted I  could tell it was coming because of my  Spidey-Sense but I  couldn't risk revealing my identity, Flash called  his 'crew' to come and punch and kick me  anywhere it wouldn't be obvious. When they were happy with there work they walked away laughing and high-fiving each other. I  got up from the ground wincing, they probably broke a rib or two. I  walked over to my  locker to see my  girlfriend, MJ, and my  best friend, Ned, waiting for me. " Hey loser, what happened to you?" MJ questioned. " Dude did Flash and his goons beat you up again?" Ned said. " Yeah, and don't start that 'come on stand up for yourself speech' you know why I can't!" I replied. " Ok fine, me and MJ are heading to my house to play Mariocart, wanna join?" Ned asked. " Nah not today, dad asked me to help him with upgrading FRIDAY. Maybe anoth-" HONK HONK. "Oh shoot I gotta go Happy isn't happy when I'm late, bye guys!" I yelled. " Bye loser!" MJ yelled after me. I  sighed, if I  can't  go on the field trip, then I  would sleep in get up and do a training marathon with Aunty Nat, Uncle Clint, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Thor. I  smiled, maybe tomorrow won't be so bad. I sat down and said hi to Happy, proceeding to tell him all about my day, he pretended to act like I am a bother, but everyone knows he loves me. When we got home I said hi to everyone then ran to my room to finish my homework. When I was done I excitedly pulled on my spidey suit and jumped out the window. I swung through the city and found a mugger. I dropped down behind him and said,"Hey!How ya doin? Its not very nice to take peoples things you know! Thats one of the first things you learn in life!" The mugger turned around and produced a knife out of nowhere.He threw it and it hit me in the side before I could react. I hissed in pain and webbed him to the wall. I pulled the knife out and threw it on the ground, then swung home. What a day, what a day.

Peter Parker/spidey SI field-trip one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now