Hail Hydra

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She groaned. Living behind bars for as long as she could remember had begun to take it's toll on the seven teen year old mutant girl. 

"A1-17?" The Doctor called.

"Present!" She snarled as he walked in front of her, and crouched to look into her cage. 

"Are you ready?" He asked. She nodded, eyes glowing. He smiled and stood, then left. Anything to get out of this cage. A few minutes later two men in thick suits and clubs entered. She watched them carefully as they opened her cell and she crawled out and stood. The doctor, Doctor Suka, nodded at her. She allowed her talon like hands to be chained behind her as they led her into a separate room. So this was where the Winter Soldier was created! She thought, looking at the large chair with the special machinery over it. She was ready to have her mind swiped and to serve. She hadn't been trained since an infant for nothing. Her body had been changed while she was still in the womb, and it had shaped her into a monster.

"Experiment A1-17 ready and underway." Shouted Dr. Suka. Now the girl noticed men in suits on the side, watching her with wary interest. Some held clipboards. Her guards freed her wrists and wrestled her into the chair. Now she was beginning to breath heavily as a large rubber mouth guard was forced into her mouth as her arms were locked down. The machine closed down over her then paused. The girl waited, ready, and slightly anxious. 

"We are here today to witness something spectacular. A1-17 is the most powerful weapon we have ever raised. With four infinity stones, Hydra will bring their justice to the world. Hail Hydra!" Dr. Suka shouted.

"Hail Hydra!" Everyone shouted. The girl grunted along with them. This organization promised peace among chaos. Hail Hydra. Her talons curled in anticipation.

The engines in the machine revved to life and she closed her eyes as it activated. A scream echoed through the room, causing everyone to flinch. The men all watched silently at the girl writhed in her bonds, howling against the gag. 

The girl arched her back as pain shot through her. Burning wires coursed through her boiling her blood and hardening her muscles. Red fogged her eyes as her eyeballs pulsed in her skull and rolled around wildly. Then came the worst feeling. All down her back, she felt her skin tearing and shredding. Bones snapped and reformed. Her muscles snapped and reshaped. Her useless extra appendages could now be put to use. Then she let out the worst scream of all. An ear shattering cry that burst past the gag and rang through cavern, causing the walls to shake and dirt to rain on their heads. But, at last it was over. 

The Doctor and his spectators looked at the mutated body that lay unconscious, lashed to the chair. Black feathered wings, brushed with fiery red orange hung askew from the body. A crest of black, red, and orange feathers pulled back from her hairline, and over pitch black hair tipped with red orange. Her hands were black that faded to paper white, the fingers hard and pointed at the ends. The soul and space stones were embedded next to her left eye, the power and reality stone on her right. The doctor leaned over and pried one of her eyelids open. The once faded sage green eyes were bright red orange laced with gold, the pupils were thin slits. The girl grunted and began to come around.

"Expirament A1-17 has been completed!" Dr. Suka announced proudly as they released the new beast they had created. The girl looked at him, eyes focusing slowly on his face.

"Black Phoenix ready to comply." She growled, flexing her talon like hands. The doctor nodded.

"Mission report, reign of China. A1-17 kill order." The mutant stood, and tested her wings with a few strong strokes of the huge wings attached to her back. 

"Release me." She growled.

(One day later)

(Black Phoenix's outfit

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(Black Phoenix's outfit. I found this on Pinterest)

Black Phoenix crouched on the roof of a sky scraper in down town Shang-hi. The president was in a meeting, and was making himself the perfect target. His idiot body guards kept glancing around at the people around the streets, never looking up. The president emerged, shaking hands, and making small talk with a bunch of stuck up, dry politicians. Black Dragon waited a few more seconds, then launched herself from the roof. In the dark night, no one noticed the mutant swooping down from above. Ten seconds before she struck, one of the guards looked up and screamed. Black Phoenix slammed down into the ground, and lashed out with her claws, felling three guards, before grabbing the old resident by the neck, and taking off into the air. The old man swore and begged, struggling in her one talon, trying to barter for his life. Black Phoenix didn't pay any attention. Once she had reached the dark clouds swirling above, she looked at the gasping man in her left talon.

"Hail Hydra." Her gravely voice rasped out, before she let go.

The terrified crowds below screamed in shock as the man's body slammed into the ground and tore itself apart on the small vending cart. Above it all was a black and red figure hovering and watching the chaos happening below. By the next day, the assassination of the Chinese president had exploded all over the internet and news. Hydra monitored the internet, squashing theories and posting their own high quality photos of the incident. 

Black Dragon landed on her special landing pad at the secret Hydra base, and allowed the waiting guards to bind her hands, and pin her wings. Dr. Suka came out too meet her. 

"Mission successful." She reported in a clipped voice. He nodded and smiled. 

"Well done, soldier. Rest up, and we'll send you out again."

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