Mission Report A1-17

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Black Phoenix fought down the bile rising in her throat. Another shock wave went through her and she swallowed hard, eyes glowing. Doctor Suka stepped back and looked at her, before releasing her. Their scanner would go through her after each mission to make sure she didn't turn away from Hydra like Wanda and Pietro had. If there were any rebellious thoughts she'd had, they were lost. 

"Hail Hydra." She growled, her sandpaper voice rasped eerily in her throat. The doctor smiled.

"Well done." He handed her a file. "Mission report, reign of America. A1-17 kill order." Black Phoenix opened the folder and scanned the contents greedily. Her strange, black fingers caught up the image of the American president.

"Consider it done." She stood, and left the room, claws curled and ready for the kill.

I sipped cold rain water of of a tin cup and watched the rain pour down over the small village I lived in. Miko was asleep beside me, and Etat was powered off in one corner. My power lay resting, deep inside of me, almost asleep. I wore a simple robe of animal hides I'd stitched together, my vibranium uniform hidden deep in the forest, out of reach.

"How long has it been, since the battle?" I murmured, stroking my friends head. He gave my fingers an affectionate kiss.

"A couple months, half a year, maybe. I've lost track of time." He said with a yawn, shifting to a new position on the reed mat in our tent. I chuckled.

"I think it's been nice. We have hard work to do, but often it's like this and we can just sit back and relax."

"Growing lazy?" I looked up. Clint and Natasha walked around in front of my tent. I smirked, but beckoned them in.

"Nah, just enjoying the serenity of my home." I replied, trying hard not to imagine them falling into a black hole. Whenever I imagined things, my powers tended to do it without me asking it to. They both nodded and I offered them a seat, my magic quickly pulling together to form two misty black chairs. They sat cautiously. I sat, facing them and leaned back. "Should I assume this is just a friendly visit, or do you come to solicit my aid once again?" I asked quietly as Miko hopped up on my lap. 

"Closer to the second one." Natasha said quietly. I nodded, and pressed my fingers together.

"Well, what are we up against?" Clint handed me a folder.

"The president of China, America, France, and Germany have all been assassinated. Rumor has it, the president of Spain is next." He began, as I flipped through reports and pictures. "Hydra has risen again, and they have created a new weapon, stronger than the Winter Soldier and stronger than the Scarlet Witch. She is called Black Phoenix, and has been armed with four infinity stones." I nodded.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" Natasha looked up, taking a deep breath, and, as I could tell, gathering her patience. "If you want me to kill her, I can try. Stop her, I could try that to." I thought for a second. "Who is Black Phoenix?"

"Um.... A hydra agent." Clint said, in a voice that told me he though I was stupid.

"Well no shit." I sighed, like Natasha, gathering my patience. "Winter Soldier was Bucky Barnes, a friend of Steve's. Scarlet Witch was a young Sacovian girl, who's brother died in the war against Ultron, and her name was Wanda Maximof. I'm Ash Blackheart, formally Ashley Victor." I leaned forward, staring Clint dead in the eye. "Who is Black Phoenix?"

Black Phoenix circled above Buckingham Palace in Great Britain. She had thrown off S.H.I.L.E.D into thinking the ruler of Spain was next, and some countries had sent aid. There! Her target exited the building, and headed towards his car. Security surrounded him, but now, some of them looked up. The stones in her head glowed as she focused on using her powers. The ammunition became bubbles, a favorite trick of hers, and she dove. Flames of blue and purple flew off her wings as the power and space stones activated, hurtling her closer to the crown prince. The Queen of England was so iconic and well aged, that even Hydra wouldn't kill her. The ground cracked and split as she landed, before grabbing her victim and she ascended, this time, the flames were a white gold, and the soul stone glowed. Screams erupted from below her as the guards tried to find ammunition that wasn't colorful bubbles.

"Fair well dear prince." Black Phoenix hissed, then dropped the wriggling body. He tried to catch a hold of her to stop his descent but, Black Phoenix was to fast. She twisted away, and thrust her hands forward at him, red, blue, white, and purple light blasting from her talons, circling his chest and thrusting him into the ground hard enough he had to be buried on the spot, because no one could go low enough to retrieve his body. "Hail Hydra." The hissing words hung like a foul cloud over the palace, as Black Phoenix flew away. Mission report A1-17 was a success. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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