🎉 Happy birthday, Overcast. 🎉

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  A large, round green cake covered in a light green frosting with 'clovers' all along the edges that looked...a little rushed but were
  in a darker green coloration. In the middle, there were written words that had read; 'my lucky charm' in a somewhat shaky way
  and was also written with the same glossy, sweetly smelling green frosting as the clovers.

 In the middle, there were written words that had read; 'my lucky charm' in a somewhat shaky way  and was also written with the same glossy, sweetly smelling green frosting as the clovers

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  The two had their jaws agape slightly as they'd stare at this tooth-ache of a cake with starry hues. Then they would both look
  over at Tony in a smiling fit...Overcast's had looked much more devilish though. "Ey 'dis don't look too bad, Tone" she praised in a
  strangely joking manner as she'd point her claw down at the wonderfully made cake. Storm found her behavior to be pretty
  suspicious, so he'd make sure to keep a good eye on her. Tony however...well he was pretty oblivious; "thanks, Oc. Kinda rushed
  it since 'dis was a test cake. But y'know" he shrugged. Overcast would pause for a moment and blankly stare at him before
  instantly going back to looking all evil. "Yeah,yeah wuteva', my heart ain't warmed at awll. I said it's okay an' 'dats final." She
  said defensively, which caused Tony to smile warmly despite it's nature. "Well if 'dats what y'stowry is 'den I'll accept it" he said
  with a playful little smile as he'd watch Overcast roll her eyes and pout. "It ain't no stowry but wuteva' y'say, moron" she huffed
  "'aight" Tony simply responded in a joking manner before everything went awkwardly silent once again. Overcast blinked
  twice and nervously looked back and forth briefly as she'd try to think of what to say to make this less awkward. However, before
  she would get a chance to do so, Sniper had suddenly piped up to do the job for her...which she didn't seem to like at all. "So have
  you been enjoying the party, Tony?!" he asked happily, causing the brute to blink twice and look a little shocked "uhhh...yeah it's
  been pretty gwreat." He blinked twice while Sniper beamed happily and Overcast had scowled to her heart's content. "That's
  great, Tony!! I really love seeing you happy with your family!!" he exclaimed ecstatically. Overcast rolled her eyes and stuck out
  her blue stained tongue in disgust while Tony...wasn't really sure how to react. "Can ya cut d'sap awlready?! It's gettin' so cheesy in
  'ere..." she interrupted rudely, causing Storm to scowl at her with his ears pinned back as Sniper blinked twice blankly. "Well if
  you have such a problem with Sniper congratulating Tony then you can just-" knock. Knock. Knock.

  Three gentle, yet sturdy knocks were heard at the front door. Causing everyone to tense up before slooowly looking over at the
  wooden door with wide eyes like a class of nervous students dreading their strict teacher from entering the room. Then,
  Overcast would look over at Storm angrily "since when didja say a guest was comin' ovah?!?!" she asked aggressively through her
  stained, razor sharp teeth. Storm looked up at her with anxious, fearful eyes. Not because she was talking to him in that
  bared-toothed manner. But because of who he thought was on the other side. "I never knew any guests were coming over,
  Overcast!! Don't blame this on me!!" he responded defensively as he'd begin to sweat nervously. "Whaddya mean y'didn't know?!
  'Dis is y'house moron!!" she said, sounding like she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs while her uncle and son looked
  extremely confused and a little worried. However Storm blinked twice, looking utterly offened by the queen's reply. But right as he
  was about to respond, the sound of the door creaking open was heard. Causing Overcast, Storm, Alex and Tony's orbs to widen
  fearfully once again as they had not only realized the door was open from the cold draft they felt. But also because Sniper...wasn't
  in his seat anymore. "Oh hello there!!" the little fox's maturing voice was happily heard outside the kitchen, instantly
  grabbing the attention of his friends to see just who was at the door. However, as they had stared...Overcast, Cookies and Storm
  had immediately known who it was, which was exactly why Storm had an expression full of panic and anxiety while Cookies
  looked amused, yet drowsy and Overcast looked utterly shocked and offended at the same time. With Alex and Tony though...they
  had just looked outright confused for different reasons. Alex only had a foggy memory of this strange fellow while Tony...didn't
  know who this weird guy was at all. As a matter of fact, he had never seen a husky so large and overtly fluffy adorning a heavy,
  greenish cloak with little etches of leaves and snowflakes stitched within the soft fabric that had just made the husky look
  larger than he actually was. Lastly on this kingly cape were white, fluffy outlines all along the cloak, a white, fluffy cylinder
  shaped paw warmer located at the bottom of his chest and on his lower abdomen, and there were some jawstrings with fluffy white
  pom-poms at the ends. Noticing this, that icy, sharp crown on his head, that scar on the side of his snout and those strange pink
  pupils with hearts in them made Tony really realize what this guy's title was to the world. However, that childish blue kazoo in
  his mouth and that overjoyed, innocent expression had told him otherwise. Truthfully though, Tony would actually somehow think
  that this strange 'royal' was trying to mock his brother, which obviously didn't make him look happy whatsoever.

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