Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Emma. Yes, I do have a last name but I don't like to say it or talk about it. I'm a tribrid, a witch, werewolf, and vampire and right now, I'm 10 years old. I grew up with a nice family who loved me but when I turned 2 they took me to an orphanage because I found out about my magical abilities. I would make the whole house shake and one of the family members almost died. At the orphanage they hated me too. I would have tantrums almost every day and they were so sick of me. Finally, a random man came looking for any child, he didn't care what child he got he just wanted one. They gave him me and luckily he knew about the supernatural. He got witches to teach me spells and they told me who my family was. They told me I was a Mikaelson but I told them I didn't want to know about my parents or the family that disowned me. They told me I was a tribrid and I was the only one of my kind. 8 years went by and I loved the man so much. But then, I tried a spell on him and I killed him. I realized then that I had triggered my werewolf curse. The full moon was 3 weeks away and every second before the I would cry from losing the only bit of family I had. The night finally came and it was the worst night of my life.

This is me now. 2 nights later and i'm sitting on a random bench on a random street. My life is horrible and at this point I have no idea what to do with myself. I start crying. Harder than ever. A rain drop falls on my head, then another, and then another. It's pouring rain but I have no house to stay in to keep warm. That makes me cry even harder. I stop crying quickly when I hear someone walking over here I keep my face down so hopefully they don't see me. I can sense them standing in front of me so I look up at them. A man, a nice looking man is standing in front of me. "Who are you?" I ask the man. "My name is Alaric Saltzman. I own a school for the supernatural. I was wondering if you'd like to go there." He says putting his hand out for me to grab. My life literally sucks right now, I have no house, no family, and what do I have to lose. I give him my hand and we walk to what I think is his car. "We have a long ride ahead of us." He says smiling. I stare out the window and soon enough I fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and I saw this massive building, the biggest one i've ever seen. It's beautiful. "We're here." He says looking at me. I open the car door and walk outside. I see these two girls, Ones a blonde and ones a brunette. "Hi i'm Josie." The brunette says. "Hi i'm Lizzie." The blonde says. "What's your name?" They ask me. I look down getting kind of shy. These are random people if anything they can be kidnapping me and i'm walking right into their trap. "Come on, let's show you around." The brunette says. I follow them into the school. It's so fancy, the fanciest building i've ever been in. As they finish the tour we stop at a door. They open it and I see that Alaric guy that brought me here. He motions me to sit in the seat in front of him so I do. "What's your name?" He asks me seriously. "My name is Emma." I reply. "Do you have a last name." "I'd rather not say it." I tell him. He nods. "What are you?" He asks. Why is this guys asking me so many questions for no reason. "I'm a tribrid. A werewolf, witch, and vampire." All of a sudden his eyes go wide like he saw some sort of monster behind me. He gets up quickly and runs out of the room. This guy seems crazy. He comes back shortly after with a girl with red hair. She sits in the chair next to me. She seems familiar like I met her somewhere I just can't think of it. "Hope, tell Emma what you are." Alaric says. I look at her suspiciously. "I'm a tribrid." She says. That's impossible. I get up and I get super angry at this girl. "That's not possible." I say with my werewolf eyes coming out. "All the witches say i'm the only one of my kind. Your lying. This whole thing is a lie. I'm leaving." I say walking out of the room. "Wait!" I here Hope scream as she grabs my arm. As soon as she grabs it I see a vision. A man and a women standing hugging each other. She lets go of my arm and we stare at each other. "Did you see that too?" She asks me. I nod my head slowly. "Do you know those people?" I ask the girl. "Those are my parents." She reply's with wide eyes. I run out of the room and almost start crying. If I saw a vision of this girls parents does that mean their my parents too, I question myself. If those are my parents too then me and hope are sisters. That would explain why we are both tribrids. I wipe away the few tears that fell of my face and I walk into the room slowly. The girl seemed to be talking to Alaric kinda privately so I just sit down quietly. "Emma." Alaric says looking straight into my eyes. "Yes?" I answer staring right back at him. "We think that..." He stops in the middle of his sentence. "We think that me and you are sisters." Hope says staring at me. I stare right back at her in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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