chapter 1

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Kira...why did you have to be him..

You were my first and only friend yet you had to be killed.


L along with many others were there for lights funeral. The rath of kira had come to a end..

Yet many were not happy, L. Was not happy.
His family was devastated.

L went back to staying locked in different hotels, he stoped contact with the police for 3 monthes. He was just in too much pain.

Finally he got back in contact with the police, it was the forth month after lights death, L got a call from the police.

"Yes? This is L"

"Why should i check it out?"

"Ugh fine as you wish"

He put his phone down and got up.

They wanted him to go find out what had fallen from the sky. They sent him a address for where they landed.

"Let's get this over with" L whispered to himself as he left the hotel.

He walked for 10 minutes until he reached the spot. Nobody was around so it was easier to check. He saw some of the ground broken leading with some blood. And..a feather? He fallowed the small drips of blood as he saw slight movement in a small alleyway.

He turned into the alleyway to see a pair of huge white wings covering a human figure, he could not see there face or much of him but he was able to see his arm that was bleeding.

He stepped closer this time making a noise, the winged person flinched as they slowly unfolded there wings to get a better look at who it was.

L looked at his face and fell back.

'It cant be....he's dead...and how can he be a angel!' He thought as he stared at none other then light.

Light slowly stood up and walked over to L.

"Oh, hey again" he said softly and smiled. No hate was in his voice as it was the last day he saw him.


"How am i here? I was sent here but the gods never said anything about how to get me here" he said looking at his hurt arm.

He held his good arm out for L to take. He did so as light helped him up.

L snapped out of his shock and finally took real notice of his arm again. He carefully held his hurt arm as light whimpered.

"Ouch-" he said.

"Come on" L took off the jacket he was wearing and used it to cover light wings as he took his good arm dragging him back to the direction of his home.

Light yawned a little and let L drag him.

They entered his hotel room as L turned on the light and sat light (oof) on the sofa.

He got a first aid kit and came back.

"Don't move" he took lights arm and started cleaning the blood then cleaned the wound.

Light hissed a bit at the pain but he went with it.

After L wrapped his arm in some bandages he looked back at him.

"How are you a angel" L said sternly.

As L stared directly at his face he finally noticed his left eye that was now light shiny blue.


"Well, ill explain how i guess....when i found the death note i had no thought of what i was doing. After you touch the things your body will be taken over by the notebook. I have been trapped in my head and i was forced to act normal when i was given back control. Those times where when i helped you with the case. But when you told me i was your first friend they got mad and decided to just keep me trapped. As you can see my eye is blue, this was the only eye i could see out of and that's why its blue. So after i died i was freed from the notebook and turned into a angel!"

L stayed quiet, he looked down and covered his face. Light felt his sadness and kneeled down to him. He pulled him closer and hugged him tightly.

L hugged him back as the 2 stayed in each others embrace. Light had his wings wrapped around them both.

"I'm back lawliet..."

yagami light the angelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora