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Who invited you to the Dream SMP?

Aries: CaptainPuffy ('George during the war..')
Taurus: WilburSoot ('Women are temporary, Revolution is forever')
Gemini: Nihachu ('When ever I ask a question I call the voice in my head chat')
Cancer: SapNap ('You will not ruin my baby's wedding')
Leo: GeorgeNotFound ('You're gonna eat the vegan teacher?')
Virgo: BadBoyHalo ('Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy')
Libra: Ranboo ('If the crown fits, wear it!')
Scorpio: Ph1lzaMineCraft ('They went to hell, and they told him he was the-, he was the wound expander?')
Sagittarius: Dream ('Did you just call me giggly boy?')
Capricorn: Quackity ('Someone just said, go white boy go')
Aquarius: Skeppy ('Bitch Boy')
Pisces: TommyInnit ('Just Killed a Woman, Feeling Good')

Word Count: 107

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