The start of a new life

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Hey my name is sasaki hailey but you can call me Hailey. You all probably wanna know about my quirk but I will talk about that later on but first imma tell you something about me and my past. Well my name is Hailey and im 17 years old, I love too read, write, and to sing. Most of the time you can find me in a library or a cafe were I mostly write. My favorite food is soba or pizza with both you can definitely wake me up for that food. But anyways now imma tell something about my past.
My live was really rough but now not anymore because now I am in a foster family. They are really nice and give me almost all the things I can ask for. My old family wouldn't do that because they couldn't take care of me anymore because I cost "to much" money but that was not true. My parents used to say to me that I was the reason why they became poor but the thing was I couldn't buy something because I was like 5 years old there. My mom used to blame me for the disappearance from the money even though my father always saw that she had new clothes and stuff, she always said when he asked for it that she got it from a friend. But they (especially my father)thought I was useless and hopeless and didn't care about putting the blame on me because back then I only had one quirk and it wasn't even the same quirk as my fathers he wanted me to get that same quirk so that i would be strong, but with this quirk I couldn't be strong he said. It was a good quirk though but my father would beat me up because I was not what he expected me to be, he wanted me to be more like him "respectful" "handsome" "smart" and all that kind of things that I didn't want to be. At the age of 6 I walked past a man that accidentally touched me but another week later I got this weid feeling it was the same feeling I got when I got my quirk. I was scared though because if my father would found out that I had another quirk it would be even more hell. Some times my father would hit me in public and one time some pro heroes saw it and took me away from my father. Those pro heroes that saved me took me to the Lunch room from the pro heroes. If you want to know the pro heroes who saved me from my father those were Best Jeanist and Powerloader (my favorite heroes) I was so happy when I saw them and when they took my to there lunch room. Everyone was looking really weid at them because they took a kid to the lunch room. Powerloader explained why they took me there and everyone was asking my questions like "Does he hit you many time when your at home or somewhere else?" Or "Does he do more then only hitting you like touching you?" "At the time I didn't know that it was wrong I just gotten used to it" I said. They were all looking at me with a shocked face I can still remember that. Nana Shimura said " We need to get her out of that house this is not normal for a living." I can try to help her with taking her in? Said Sir Nighteye "I already have Mirio living with me but I can take care of them. A day later me, Powerloader, and Sir Nighteye walked to my house to get some stuff so I could move in with Sir Nighteye and Mirio. When we got there my mother asked me shocked "Where were you Hailey I was so worried." Sir Nighteye told my mother that we were here to get some stuff and that I would move in with him. My mother looked shocked about it first but then her mood changed, she got really angry about that they would take me away from her. My mom was about to hit them with her quirk but luckily I jumped in front of them and I used my shield quirk to protect them. After my mom realized that i used another quirk then that she knew I had she was confused because she never seen that quirk. "w-what Hailey h-how did you do that?" She asked me. I went silence because I didn't know what to say to her. Powerloader saw on my face that I didn't know what to say and asked me where my room was, I got his hand and let him to my room when Sir Nighteye was trying to calm my mom down. 2 hours later we were done with packing and went to the front door. When we were almost in the car and set to go my mom came running out and screamed "PLEASE DON'T GO YET." We all turned around and saw that she was running towards us. When she got closer she grabbed me and hugged me and said "For now this is the last hug you get from me Sir Nighteye said to me that i could always come over to see me. So hunny don't forgot me okay?" My mom was tearing up and it really hard to watch her cry but there was not really an option to stay here and live with them. When I hugged m mother back I said to her "Wipe away the tears, i'm gonna be fine and I wouldn't forgot you that easily because your my mom after all." My mom stopped with crying and helped me to get into the car. When we were riding back to my new house I saw her waving so I waved back....  From that day my whole life has changed.

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