A touch of kindness

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Authors note: I am so sorry that this part took so long to post, I recently returned to in person school so I don't have much time, so this is just gonna be short and I'll work on making the next part longer, I will work on it at the weekend, so that's in 2 days, because tomorrow is Friday for me. Anyway sorry again, I hope your'e enjoying this story so far.

Taking the sleeping boy into his arms bakugo started to walk back to the dorms, as he got there the door to kaminari's dorm opened as deku walked out, the green haired problem child noticed denki in bakugos arms and held the door so that bakugo could put him down on the bed.

'Tsk, thanks I guess deku, I'm gonna go to my dorm, make sure pikachu is ok alright?!"
"O-of course kacchan!"
"Bye nerd."
Bakugo walked off leaving deku speechless, deku texted Mineta and told him to come to kaminari's dorm, once grape boy(I'm sorry I can't resist it!) arrived the boys waited for their friend to awaken.

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