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The alley has one or two people waiting, everyone sitting in silence. It is awkward as all hell.

 I admire the sign, it reads "The Ink and Paint Club." A interesting name choice. Everything was being taken in until a voice interrupts my wandering eyes. It is finally my turn, took long enough.

"The word?" the buff gorilla askes in a rough voice. He sits for a bit, waiting for an answer.

"Walt sent me." I sigh. It was such a stupid password.

He performs his previous actions, slamming the door open and shoving me inside with a strong grip, hurting my side. God what a groully toon. Despite my stinging hip I move onward, searching for an empty chair. It's almost like everyone heard she became single and rushed here, like these poor fools have a chance.

Why drool over a rabbit toon? Toon I get, but a rabbit?

A toon comes by my way, holding a tray by her side. The black and white gal seems familiar. The way her hips swing to the piano in the background just seems to bring the name to the tip of my tongue. 

"What do you want to drink?" her voice is at a high pitch,  not annoying just overly sweet.

"Whiskey, on the rocks." 

"I wouldn't recommend on the rocks. The penguins actually put rocks in it." I give her a joking side eye and she giggles. "I'm sorry but I'm not joking, the penguins are though."

"Well then whiskey with ice then." I answer, part a joke, part what I genuinely want.

"That'll be all?" her voice drowns out Daffy and Donald's fight, she was just beautiful. 

"Alright I got you Boop-Oop-a-Doop" 

It hits me. I just talked to the Betty Boop. She got kicked out of the business after color and she  sadly didn't have enough money for a toon paint job. God, no wonder she is so beautiful. That catch phrase was a nostalgic.  

Guess I should calm down, don't need everyone in here knowing my thing for toons. "Thank you Betty." I smile gently and she walks away. 

Donald and Daffy get their goofy act pulled off the stage, of course the two in discourse don't finish their act. I hear someone behind the stage announce loudly to the crowd. "Next up is jessica rabbit." Everyone goes quiet, the room fills with anticipation. 

A pastel purple heel emerges from the curtain Including a thin leg poking out from behind the curtain, and following it is a woman's body. Her waist was ultra thin, matching her beautiful legs. The redhead's hair fell over her feminine shoulders gently, you can just tell she's a feisty one. She was sex on legs. God almighty I swear if one of the penguins didn't shut my jaw for me it would've just hung open her whole act.

That is no rabbit toon. No sir-e. Maybe I get why everyone is slam packed here.

Dear departed brother why didn't you warn me?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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