Chapter 1: The start

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| Jake's pov |

I was playing soccer with the rest of the team, something I didn't want to do, but I still had to do if we wanted to win the game which was coming up soon, or so our coach said. Minutes passed, I was getting more and more exhausted and eager for it to end, finally, we could rest. When I heard that, without thinking I took my water bottle and sat down on the floor to rest.

I closed the bottle making sure it was tightly closed and looked towards the benches near the stairs, 3 cheerleaders wearing white and navy blue uniforms. I tried to see who they were but just then someone shouted my name. "Jake!" It was Drew, who was approaching me with Liam and Luke "Sorry" I laughed nervously, "Looking at the cheerleaders, huh?" Liam smirked, softly shoving me with his elbow. "I'm just trying to know who they are, jeez..." I answered, slightly pushing him away from me.

"Isn't the teal-haired one the music freak? Is she turning into a cheerleader freak?" Drew laughed, taking out his phone to take a photo of her and the two other girls, Luke rolled his eyes and took the cell phone out of his hands, "Don't even think about treating my boyfriend's sister like that" Forcing a smile, he said. He gave the phone back to Drew, who put it back in his pocket, Luke's smile turned into a soft friendly one "From what Zander told me, Daisy, Stacy, and Hailey decided to be cheerleaders since the music competition finally ended and Stacy and Daisy didn't have that much head girl duties as before".

"Navy blue really suits Hailey," I thought to myself, looking at her, pure beauty, such an angel...

| Narrator's pov |

"Look who's there" Stacy smirked, pointing at Jake. "Very funny Stacy" The teal-haired girl rolled her eyes and glared at the periwinkle-eyed cheerleader who started laughing out of nowhere.

"Instead of laughing, why don't you both start practicing? The competition is the 30th of this month and I don't wanna mess things up" Our head cheerleader said, crossing her arms, right after saying that in a mad tone, she proceeded to take her pair of pom poms out of her bag.

The dark-haired girl sighed "Fine mom..." She joked, grinning. Daisy just looked at her with a really disappointed face for a few seconds "What word should we use this time to practice our voice tone?" The snow-haired girl asks, watching both girls shake their pom-poms up and down while singing "Shake it off". She didn't want to interrupt that fun moment between the cheerful and sweet duo, but it was needed if they wanted to win the competition.

"My ex-man!" Hailey shouted, raising her pom-poms up. "Brought his new girlfriend!" Stacy jumped, shaking her pom-poms in the air, giggling at the same time she sang "She said!" Hailey continued, but before she could finish, Daisy sighed and joined them "Omg! I'm just gonna shake!" Daisy laughed, making her "little dance" as both girls giggled "See? We practiced as we had fun!" Hailey smiled

| Sean's pov |

"Seems like they're having fun" I giggled, sitting next to Jake, who nodded "I didn't expect Hailey to be so cheerful, she's always been serious and would never want to have fun when it came to practice or rehearsals," Luke said, looking at the teal haired singer, who seemed like she was having fun.

After talking about them for a while, the three girls approached us from the back, but since I was the only one who noticed, I stayed quiet, they probably wanted to scare us somehow.

I heard their footsteps as they were cautiously walking behind us, and suddenly, a pom hit Jake's head "Hey!" He shouted, looking behind him. Hailey laughed as Daisy and Stacy looked at her, impressed about what she just did. "Damn" Liam laughed, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you" Hailey smirked, placing her other pom on the floor and resting her hands on Jake's shoulders "What do you think?" Jake rolls his eyes as he moves Hailey's hands from his shoulders. "Come on, relax a bit will ya'?" She smirked, grabbing both pom-poms from the ground "Weren't you the one who would always take things seriously?" The peach-haired boy said, standing up. "Well, you were the one who always would tell me to have fun and relax, but seems like roles changed" She smiled, patting his head with her hand, Jake stayed quiet and sat down again "Well we'll get going now, we have to practice a bit more before starting class" Daisy smiled, the other two did the same, they had different smiles and smiled for different people, this might sound weird, but Hailey's smile was more of a flirty one, her eyes only focused on Jake's, Stacy's was a forced one, only looking at Drew, who was trying to make her mad after whispering something to her, and lastly, Daisy, a sweet and cheerful smile coming from a sweet and cheerful girl, who's eyes were meeting mines. I slightly blushed as I noticed that.

"Finally they're gone, I was so close to throwing my phone to that periwinkle-eyed freak" Drew said, rolling his eyes as he took his phone to look at the time...

Jailey Cheerleader AU (Original Idea) || UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now