The Set up

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'HINATA YOU STUPID FREAK!' Kageyama screams and Hinata as he misses the spike.

'Uh Kageyama, don't put pressure on him! I know you want to win the up-coming practice match with Aoba Johsai, but putting pressure on him is not going to help!' Suga tells Kageyama and sighs.

'What are we going to do with them?' He then exclaims.

'Ooh! I know!' Tanaka says enthusiastically as he hear's sugars comment in the gym. 'How about we set up a games night and we play '7 minutes in heaven'? We can shove them in a closet and get them to be friends!'

'Uuummm...I don't know about that Tanaka.' Suga says in reply.

'Oh! That's a great idea bro!' Noya says enthusiastically to his school brother.

'I know right?' Tanaka says triumphantly. 'Come one Suga! It's a good idea! And besides! You know you'll have fun with Daichi when you 2 are in there!' Tanaka finishes with a smirk on his face.

'HUH?! W-Where did you get THAT idea from Tanaka?!' Suga questions Tanaka.

'Oh, come on! We've all heard you fuck at least once or twice in the clubroom!' Tsukishima says to the vice-captain.

'HUH?!' Suga exclaims back.

'Come one Suga. It could be a good way to make the 2 get along!' Daichi then says to his boyfriend agreeing with the no. 5's idea.

'Ah! Fine!' Suga says back. 'I'll get in contact with people from some other teams and we can set up a games night to make it less suspicious to Kageyama and Hinata.'

'Ooh! Great idea Suga-san!' Tanaka says to the vice-captain.

'Alright. I'll message the other teams tonight and we can do it on Saturday night? Does that work?' Suga says.

'Yep!' The 2 bros say in unison.

After school, Suga contacts everyone in the other teams and the group chat, and surely enough, everyone agrees for Saturday night at 7:00pm...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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