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hoes left and right 🧼
els 💕, sis 🥵

els 💕 sis r u rly joining our house?

sis 🥵 i'm seriously considering it

rosie 🥀 what ab gf?

sis 🥵 girl- ever since coco and gavin started dating again it's like they run the whole show. we do whatever THEY want like i love gavin, but coco throws me under the bus 24/7 you two are like the bestest most fun people ever.

rosie🥀 bruh you're the sweetest. i'm sorry you and coco's friendship went to hell-

els 💕 well don't sugar coat it-

sis 🥵 BAHHAHA no it's so fine. ro isn't wrong. i wish things were better between us but like all she did was flirt with anthony i was like girl- back tf off my mans

rosie🥀 anthony should join too!!!


sis 🥵 omg wait.

sis 🥵 added anthonyyy 🤌 to hoes left and right 🧼

anthonyyy 🤌 ?

rosie🥀 ANTHONY

anthonyyy 🤌 hi ro

els 💕 we had a proposal

anthonyyy 🤌 continue...

sis 🥵 u should join the coolkidsclub w me

anthonyyy 🤌 i'm down


cool kids club 😎
els 💕, soy sauce 🥡, zen 💜, cameron 🙄, anthonyyy 🤌, sis 🥵

els 💕 soooo how ab two more roomies? 😃

soy sauce 🥡 just because i love them

zen 💜 it's a yes for me

cameron 🙄 only if i get to share a room with rose

soy sauce 🥡 i disagree with that one

rosie🥀 hahah sawyer u get ur own room
don't be sour

cameron 🙄 yeah sawyer.

soy sauce 🍚 lev stfu

anthonyyy 🤌 tea

rosie 🥀 shut up anthony

els 💕 shut up anthony

sis 🥵 shut up anthony

soy sauce 🍚 shut up anthony

zen 💜 shut up anthony

cameron 🙄 shut up anthony

anthonyyy 🤌 i-

zen 💜 sorry but not anthony's own girlfriend telling him to shut up

anthonyyy 🤌 jentzen shut up

rosie🥀 BAHHAHAHA "i don't like conflict" - castiel the angel

anthonyyy 🤌 hold up- i love spn

rosie🥀 no way.

rosie🥀 ur my new best friend now. fuck
all y'all hoes ✋🏼

els💕 i-

sis 🥵 takes my boyfriend then ends our friendship. okay i see how it is 😪

rosie🥀 i'm joking the girls are my mains anyways. guys r gross

els💕 i can agree with that.

sis🥵 same

soy sauce 🍚 you both have boyfriends

sis🥵 and?

anthonyyy 🤌 and they're deadass in this gc

sis 🥵 and?

rosie🥀 *sits back and eats popcorn*

cameron 🙄 alright well rosie and i are going to sleep so goodnight

rosie🥀 what i didn't agree to this

els 💕 rosie?

soy sauce 🍚 nah they left-

zen 💜 sawyer walk in there and tell them to be quiet

soy sauce 🍚 WALK IN THERE? bruh nahhhh.

sis 🥵 what's going on?

anthonyyy 🤌 babe-

zen 💜 seriously just like yell or knock on the door. something.

soy sauce 🍚 you do it

zen 💜 no i don't wanna get the wrath of rosie in the morning

soy sauce 🍚 no one does that's why i don't want to.

els 💕 just let them be

soy sauce 🍚 fine. but if i get no sleep i'm blaming you.

els 💕 fine u twat.

sis 🥵 y'all r entertaining.

els 💕 lmao we try.


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