Chapter 2 Marshall's Problems

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Tuck POV
Tuck woke up with his arms wrapped around Everest, he quickly moved away, not realizing what he had just done. He had slept with Everest for no reason, all the boys knew that Marshall had a crush on Everest, and he had slept with her! He left her puphouse, being careful not to wake her up.

Marshall POV
After Marshall left Rex's house, he returned to the lookout to see Tuck leaving Everest's puphouse, his hair ruffled as if he had just woken up. Tuck looked at him with terror in his eyes, and Marshall ran straight to the forest, crying.

"I can't believe she would do this to me," he told himself, "She slept with my best friend! No! My enemy!" He cried, "I'm gonna call Tracker, he's never liked anybody, he'll understand," he called Tracker on his pup tag.

Tracker POV
He woke up when he felt a vibration on his chest, "Hello?" He told whoever was calling him. "Hey Tracker, it's Marshall. I need to talk to you about something personal," he heard the Dalmatian cry. "Yeah sure, what is it?" He said feeling sympathetic for his friend." "I- I'm sending you the coordinates to meet up with me, I'll talk to you then." He hung up in response, he wasn't about to let his friend down, so he located Marshall.

Marshall POV
Marshall was relieved to see Tracker pull in with his jeep, "Hey Marshall, what can I help you with?" Marshall sighed, "I saw Tuck sleeping with Everest, I thought she loved me, and I never thought she would do anything like this to me."

Tracker POV
"There are times when people have to move on, maybe it's time for you to move on from the Paw Patrol and Everest?" He gave his friend a grateful look and wagged his tail, "Maybe you're right, but where do I go?" He thought of some old friends he used to work with a long time ago, "Yo Tengo amigos I used to work with! They're called the Brave Wolves, and surely they'd take in a strong pup like you if they'd take in a small pup like me!"

Marshall POV
"Thanks, Tracker, you're a good friend." Tracker smiled at him, "No problema! Oh, and by the way, the leader of the Brave Wolves is named Colt," he responded.

Tuck POV
He buried his head in his pillows as he saw Marshall pull in the lookout, he was terrified. Even though he felt guilty for sleeping with Marshall's crush, it felt good to have somebody to love that he didn't have all his life like Ella. What am I thinking? He asked himself, only if Marshall is gone I'll ever sleep with her again! And maybe even- his last words were interrupted by his sister yawning and waking up.

Ryder POV
I was in my room playing video games when I saw Marshall walk-in, "What's up?" Marshall shuddered, "R- Ryder, I don't know h- how to put this any other w- way, but I- I'm leaving Paw Patrol," Ryder wanted to cry, the pup that he had known for seven years, gone. "Why? I can fix it if you tell me, Marshall please," Marshall told him, "Ryder this isn't something that can be fixed," he dropped his controller, "Then tell me what it is, Marshall don't go, please." Marshall cried, "Ryder, I'm sorry but I can't stay," he took off his pup tag and dropped it at Ryder's feet. "Tell me what's bothering you, we can forget it and move on," Marshall's eyes turned gold, "Goodbye Ryder." And Ryder watched him turn and walk away.

Marshall POV
I walked towards the place that Tracker told me I would find the brave wolves but he heard some swishing in the trees above him. It smelled like a pup, he knew that he was on the right track. A black Husky with a purple tuft of hair jumped on Marshall, but he threw him off and hardly noticed his paws glowing red. "Who are you?" The pup asked him. "I'm Marshall son of Blaze Vulcany." "No, you're not. That's impossible, a weak pup like you? Son of Blaze? I highly doubt it," he growled at Marshall, he got angry and shot fire at him, he barely dodged it. "So, what're you looking for? Surely you came all this way looking for something, so tell me," the pup said quietly. "I was sent by a friend of mine, his name is Tracker," he told the pup. The pup smirked, "I'm Darky, and you are going to follow me." "And why is that?" "Because I know Tracker, I'm the Spy Pup of the Brave Wolves and I think Colt will be interested in what you have to say." Marshall looks at Darky, "Alright." We walked upon a forest as we found a huge base, bigger than the lookout. Marshall watched as Darky hopped up into a short tree, and called the leader's name.

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