Chapter 3

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At home, Dean sat down to read his dad's journal. Few hours later, he slammed the book shut and thought about what he just read. Suddenly His other phone started to ring. This time he picked up, it was Jess. 

"Hello?" he said. "Hey Dean, listen, Sam's just really worried about you. We know what he meant to you but please, just talk to him okay? He's on his way to the house to pick you up, promise me you'll let him in, do it for me, please?". 

Dean replied, "Jess, I'm sorry, I-", he sniffled, "I left the house. I came back home, I want to stay here for a while, until I'm ready. Could you tell Sam to meet me here? We need to talk". 

"Talk? Dean- wha- you're scaring me. Promise me you won't do anything stupid, DEAN, promise me, PLEASE!"

"Don't worry." and he cut the call.

Jess immediately called Sam, and in a few hours there he was hurriedly knocking at the door. "Dean open up!" and with a pause, "DEAN? DEAN?". When there was no reply, he went slightly to the back. As he got ready to kick down the door and almost pushed through, Dean opened the door and Sam stumbled. 


"Were you going to kick my door? I was only slightly late..."

"SLIGHTLY DOESN'T CUT IT DEAN. I haven't heard from you in THREE days!!" Sam yelled, gesturing three fingers at Dean. "I'm fine-"

"YEAH CLEARLY" Sam interrupted, "Jess was so worried, SHE almost came over. Said u had to talk- WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??!"

"I said I'm FINE, would you shut up and listen?" Dean said somewhat surprised. He didn't think his baby brother would be afraid so much. "You ALWAYS say that" Sam said cooling down, but not completely, "what do you want?".

Dean went and got the two journals as Sam sat on the couch. Returning with a confused look, he threw the diaries at Sam. "What's this." he asked. 

Sam looked at him with a grave expression on his face, in a way which also said 'oh no!'. 

"You know, don't you." It was a question, but Dean wasn't asking.

"Dean look, you don't want to know-", "I really do." he interrupted. 

"Do you remember how dad died?" Sam asked, finally giving in. "Not a car crash I'm guessing... " said Dean in a hoarse voice.

"You read the journals?" Sam asked.
"I read them."

Sam sighed and said, "We used to fight monsters, as you already know. You, me, dad. We were raised into it after mom died because he wanted revenge for her death by killing yellow-eyes. Yellow-eyes even killed Jess,"

"Jess?" Dean asked, "but she's still here..." 

Sam nodded and continued, "just listen. So we used to fight around and try to find him, killing monsters that came across." He smiled and said, "we were really good. Legends really. But after killing Azaezel, the demon, we continued for a while and came across Castiel. He's an angel"

Dean's eyes lit up, "Right, he saved me from hell? It's there in the diary, but-". Sam laughed and said, "You've been to heaven, hell and purgatory. Anyway. In one of the hunts, we came across a witch, the one from Hansel and Gretel. During that, you were turned into a 14 year old. So, after ta few years, you-, we decided that since we get another chance, we should try and live a normal life. So we made the potion she made you drink, and we became young again. You were 14. HAH! good times!"

"Of course you'd like to be a 10 year old" said Dean smiling.

Sam rolled his eyes and said, "So, when I finally came of age, Cas went back before Jess was killed and brought her here. But that's for us. You said that you wanted a clean slate, so you made Cas erase you memories, so you could have a proper childhood. But Cas stayed near in case something went wrong. He wasn't supposed to die though." Sam ended with a laugh. "The old you would never have accepted the fact that you're gay. And that fact that you went to Cas. I still remember, when you hit on Cas and took him to the diner, I couldn't stop laughing." he chuckled.

"THAT's NOT FUNNY. So Cas went to you like a little schoolgirl just cause you're memories are there? I LOVED him, I really did, I don't know how I lived without hi- ARE YOU RECORDING THIS? THAT'S NOT FUNNY. HE'S DEAD OKAY? he's gone." Dean said, annoyed.

"Nobody stays dead with us, you'll know. And I'm recording just cause, wait till you get your memory back." Sam laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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