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Peter:''so'' he said in a sad tone ''i know you told me to leave you alone but we have to do the assignment so do you want me to come over to your house tonight to study''

y/n:''No! '' i said in a sharp tone not wanting him to find out i have live in an orphanage ''sorry i mean i was hoping we could work on it at your house my house is getting painted'' i lie

peter: ''sure come round at 6pm '' i say not really caring where we studied just so long as we get it done

y/n:''cool'' i say while i start walking away while waving him ended sooner than i thought i didn't really want to go home so i just wonder around the streets until 6pm time went a lot quicker than i expected and before i knew it i was on my way to peters apartment.once i arrived at his apartment i knocked on the door and was greeted by   a short woman who looked as if she was in her late 20s with long brown hair ''sorry i must have the wrong apartment'' i say looking down at my feet.

May: ''no peter said he would be having a friend over'' she said her voice was kind it reminded me of the little memories that i had of my mum singing me lullabies when i was young . she then held out her hand ''im  May peter's aunt 

Y/N: ''oh are you watching him while his parents are out'' i say confused 

May: ''no peter's parents passed away when he was young'' she said

y/n: when she replied i could tell she didn't like to talk about his parents very much i could hear a sad tone in her voice.''oh im sorry'' i say not knowing what else to do i suddenly started to feel bad for being mean to peter.

may: ''don't be sorry you were just being curious why don't you come in peter should only be a minuet he just had to nip out'' she said with a smile on her face

y/n:as soon as she said that peter came running almost right into me  ''hey parker'' i say i look down as i can't stop staring into his beautiful dark brown eyes .

peter:  ''hey y/n'' he says also looking down ''sorry im late i lost track of time i went to get a sandwich''

y/n: i chuckled ''a sandwich so if you went to get one were did it go''

peter:''oh um i ate it '' he laughed 

y/n:''ok we should probably go study now before it gets to late '' i say it was getting awkward and i needed to break the silence.

peter:yeah lets go 

y/n: he lead me to a star wars coved room it was kinda nerdy but it was cute he was cute wait what am i saying i only met him today 

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