I'll Never Be Good Enough

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They wake up no problem and pimp and preen

I face a battle that no ones seen

Because sometimes I can't bring myself to care

I act like the problems aren't even there

So what, I may smell and so what my rooms a mess

At least I'm alive and nothing less

Why am I not good enough?

Why am I not good enough?

I go to school and look around

They wear happiness like it's a crown

Well I'm not happy, I feel like I'll croak

I wear my sadness like a cloak

It weighs down my shoulders and my neck

Such a strong force demands respect

Why am I not good enough?

Why am I not good enough?

They don't have to watch their weight

They'll eat and eat and eat all day

Well when I'm depressed I put on pounds

When I get sad I don't get around

I lay in bed all day and cry

Faced with the endless question; "Why?"

Why am I not good enough?

Why am I not good enough?

It hurts to look people in the eyes

I have to wear a strong disguise

I don't know how y'all do it

When I look up I'm hit with bullets

They shoot from eye sockets that catch my eye

I think they know my life's a lie

Why am I not good enough?

Why am I not good enough?

They don't know how hard it is

They look down and throw huge fits

"Your laundry's not done, your rooms a disaster"

Maybe if I were okay I could clean faster

But no, I end up not feeling my arms

How am I supposed to clean without a beating heart?

Why am I not good enough?

Why am I not good enough?

Maybe they'll be satisfied when I'm dead

I'll no longer bring about dread

I won't damper down their crowns

They'll no longer have to look down

Maybe when I'm gone they'll see

How hard it is to live each day as me

I'll never be good enough.

I'll never be good enough.

An Illumination of MentalityWhere stories live. Discover now