chapter 7 run, run as fast as you can

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Chapter 7

Run, run as fast as you can

I had fallen asleep with the journal on my lap but when I woke up it was sitting on the bedside table. I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to find it empty. I went to the library and it to was empty." Where is everyone" I mumbled. I heard footsteps behind me but when I turned around there was no one there." Is anyone there, Jace if that's you, this isn't funny" I heard the footsteps getting closer so I turned and ran. The hallway seemed to grow longer until I ran into a dead end, when I turned around my father stood there smiling." Hello, Marissa, having a nice nap"

" what are you taking about, I'm wide awake" he chuckled stepping toward me." No, this a dream and your going to listen to me, Marissa"

" and why should I, your not my father" he frowned before walking toward me. I tried to teleport but my power wasn't working" why can't I teleport"

" because i control this dream and I say you can't " I glared at him.

" what do you want"

" oh no, I'll be asking the questions" the scene around us changed and I looked around to find that we were standing in the apartment." I bet your wondering why I didnt want your bedroom searched" my eyes widened.

" no, you can't be" he smiled" that's right you don't know who I am, allow me to introduce myself" he smiled.

" my name is-" but I cut him off" I know who you are, Valentine" he chuckled." And my name isn't Marissa its Rissa" I snapped before kicking him in the leg and running, then I opened my eyes to find myself back in the room. " why can't my life ever be normal" I mumbled getting up and hiding my journal.

The Broken Wing ( a mortal instrument Fan-fic)Book 1 of the Broken SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now