Chapter: 1

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Hello! Welcome to my first soa fanfic, I hope you enjoy it!! I'm always open to feedback and replies so feel free to leave some :D

     * FLASHBACK *


I remember being content as a kid, never too happy or too sad, always just content.

I remember playing with my dolls, sitting on the living room floor as my dad drank his beer and watched a game.

Then that slowly became a distant memory of how life used to be, how my life used to be.

Just so simple.

Years earlier...

The front door slams open, as my older sister Tara walks in, stomping to her room. I follow her to see what's wrong.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Nothing Talia, I'm packing, I need to go" She spats out, aggressively throwing clothes into her suitcase.

"Go where? Are we leaving? Do I need to pack?" I say as I sit on her bed watching her pace back and forth.

"No, you're not coming with me, I need to get away from here, from everyone, from ja.." she stops and just stands still.

I remember Tara and her boyfriend Jax had been fighting and getting into trouble, she was always with him but recently she's been more focused on college and grown up stuff she would say. "Did something happen with Jax?" I ask her confused.

She sighs and sits next to me "I just realized that I need a change Talia, you won't understand now but one day, when you're older you will." She says while putting her head on top of mine.

"Does this mean you won't live here anymore?" I say beginning to tear up. Tara grabs my face and wipes my tear away "It's okay, I promise I'll visit you whenever I can" she tells me with a little smile.

I calm down and we sit in silence for a moment. "Do you want to help me pack? She asks me, I look up to her, with my eyebrow arched. She laughs "Com'on I'll put on some music and we can make it fun." "Okay!" I joyfully say, jumping off her bed.

"I'll even let you pick." She says smiling at me. I walk towards the Record player and begin searching through all the records, until I see one that caught my eye.

"Is this one okay Tara?" I show her the album cover, waiting for approval. She softly laughs "yeah, that one hasn't been played in awhile"

I put the record on and the song Storms by Fleetwood Mac begins to play, I begin slowly sway back and forth "I feel so fancy with this song" I tell tara. She begins to soft chuckle "okay tiny dancer are you ready to help me pack?"

After what seemed like hours we packed up everything she wanted to take and left everything she didn't want neatly in her room. "I'm starving" I say dramatically. "Me too actually, let's go find something to eat" Tara says as we walk to the kitchen.

"There's a box of mac and cheese we could make" Tara says. "I do love mac and cheese" I say smiling.
We then hear a loud bang in the living room. "I'll go check it out, it's probably dad" she says, I shake my head in agreement. "don't touch the pot it's hot, just wait until I get back okay?" Tara tells me before she walks off.

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