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"Ev, are you coming!" Evelyn heard Clara call from out in the dorm room as she brushed her teeth

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"Ev, are you coming!" Evelyn heard Clara call from out in the dorm room as she brushed her teeth. Having only just began the brushing, and keeping in mind she still had to back her things up, she shouted out to them that she would join them in a bit.

"Well don't be too long. You don't want to get stuck with the crappy, cold eggs!" Florence shouted back to her and she heard the girls laugh as they left the dorm room. Evelyn rolled her eyes smiling to herself and she washed the remaining tooth paste out of her mouth. As she left the bathroom to get her things ready, Fred popped into her mind again. Having not seen him since she had arrived, which in retrospect was only yesterday, she began to wonder if maybe this was on purpose. That maybe, he had seen her in the great hall and did not want to speak to her. After all, she had left him here, and he was the one who stopped writing.

Evelyn shook her head as she placed her satchel over her head, trying to get rid of the overthinking that was going on in her mind. Taking a deep breath, she left the room to head down to the great hall, praying to herself that Florence had not jinxed her about the 'crappy, cold eggs'.

The hallways seemed quieter than usual as Evelyn made her way through them, and having not looked at a clock all of this morning for the time, she was left to assume that she had just missed breakfast and everyone was in class. Which had brought a frown onto her face slightly. That was until she heard loud chatter the further down the hall she got.

Evelyn turned the corner into the great hall and leant against the huge doors at the entrance in an attempt to scope out Florence, Bonnie and Clara.

"Hello stranger" Evelyn quickly turned hearing a familiar voice, and her smile grew at the same warm face she had seen yesterday. George and Evelyn let out a soft laugh at each other as they got to take in how they had both changed over the years, and Evelyn walked forwards with her arms held out. She took George into her arms and hugged him tightly, breathing in the scent of his aftershave which had not seemed to have changed from the smell of rhubarb and custard sweets and gun-powder that he wore in second year.

"Long time, no see Weasley. How are you?" Evelyn asked smiling up at him with her hands still around his waist.

"I'm doing splendidly thank you, and yourself?" George over exaggerated his reply, grinning as he looked down at Evelyn.

"Ditto, you changed your hair!" She brought her hand up to ruffle his hair and he scrunched his face up.

"You've changed your face!" George squished Evelyn's cheeks together and she laughed through her lips that were being pressed together. Evelyn swatted his hands away.

"And I see you've joined the enemies" George lowered his voice to a growl at the word 'enemies' as he flicked the blue silk ribbon that Evelyn had tied loosely around her neck. Evelyn rolled her eyes at him whilst smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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