What the heck is that?

969 15 3

"A peri- what?"
Ena said confused
"A period."
You said firmly hoping Ena would pick up what your putting down
"Oh like a certain period in time?"
Ena asked confused
"I will explain later if you don't mind please go to the store and pick me up some pads.."
You said demandingly Ena was about to speak but you cut her off
"Than some icecream maybe some pickles ohhhhh and chocolate some cookies and chips please!"
You said giving Ena the puppy dog eyes that she cant resist
"Might buy the whole universe while im at it"
Ena said jokingly you walked in the living room turned the heater on and got a blanket from the couch and wrapped yourself in it you checked your phone and started looking through social media as Ena changed it was a cold day so she decided to wear a white sweater with dark chocolate brown pants and black tennis shoes
"Bye doll love ya"
Ena said while walking out the door.

-A what?- Ena x Fem Reader (Joel g)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant