Chapter 1: Hysterical

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This chapter is skipping forward to the time that Rory is in her second year at Yale. Also, I wanted to let you know that in this book, Rory never sleeps with Dean, so her boyfriend right now is not Dean, it's Jess. Anyway, please continue reading and ask me any questions you like, because this chapter is kinda complex. I just wanted to let you know that in every chapter I write, there is a mini cliffhanger at the end, so be ready. 

Thank you so much for reading and please vote and comment (even if they are negative thoughts) at the end of this chapter. 

Also, I updated the last chapter since there were a few mistakes. Anywho, this chapter is a little complex, but just sit back, relax, and enjoy my book. So without further ado, my book A Silly Love Story. 

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Chapter 1: Hysterical

It was my second year at Yale University and I was more excited than ever. Yale was a magical place, and I couldn't wait for my first class tomorrow. I led the movers to my dorm room and suddenly I heard Marty "Rory, wait up!" he said and rushed towards my side as I unlocked the first door and started walking with Marty and we started to catch up on everything during the summer until we stumbled upon my dorm room. "Mhhm miss." said one of the movers, signalling to the door. That was strange. "I thought Paris would have been here by now." I said thinking.

Worried, I called Paris after the movers placed the couch in the living room and went off. Asher Flemming died. I didn't want to, but I was curious and asked "was it... um... was it when..." I said nervously, I suddenly didn't want to know.

"No Rory!" she scolded and continued on with her sad depressing talk. After I hung up, Marty looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "Asher Flemming died," I said. A question was in his eyes, and I shook my head before he could ask it. "No, and can we please not go there." I said and picked up my purse. "Let's get some coffee." I said and headed out, him following behind me.

We talked all the way to the coffee cart and I got some coffee and we talked some more until someone bumped into Marty. "Watch where you're going" said the boy and I turned around and glared at all of them. What did they think they were doing? They bumped into him and told him off? Rory wouldn't accept this behavior, but before she said anything, another boy, whose shoulder was around another girl's neck said "I am so sorry. My friend wasn't watching where he was going." he said and looked at Marty in deep concentration "hey, I know you" he said and Marty stared at his coffee cup and tracing circles around the rim.

"Ya I've been the bartender at one of your party's before." he said and the boy remembered. "That's right! You make a kick ass margarita." he said at him. I rolled my eyes. Great. Rich. Drunk. Annoying. Rude. What was he doing talking to his friend like he was below him? "I have another party tonight." he said and I rolled my eyes again. Great. Also a partier. Add that to the list of things that make him a top notch meany. "I'll call you..." he said blanking on his name and again I rolled my eyes at him. Also forgetful. I noted.

"Marty." said Marty and looked at me and continued "and oh. This is Rory." he said pointing at her and she waved awkwardly. The boy looked at her up and down. Gross. She thought. He was also a playboy she could tell by the way that he was staring at her, and how every girl around her looked at him like she wanted to sleep with him. Again.

"Nice to meet you Rory." he said, extending my hand. I looked at it, but didn't shake it. "Pleasure." I said sarcastically and added an eyeroll to make sure he understood that I didn't like him. He took back his hand and this time his friend said "Ok Collin, Logan, we should be getting back." he said and Logan took one more look at me and said "Ok Finn. Let's go. Marty, Rory, good bye." he said and put his arm back around the girl's shoulder and the group left.

"I kinda hate those guys." said Marty as they turned around the corner. "Hun." I said and grabbed my coffee from the cart, turned around and headed back. "Wouldn't know why."

When I unlocked my dorm again, Paris greeted me with a big hug. "Paris." I said after she quitted the embrace "I'm so sorry." I said and she started to pace around the room. I want to host a wake. Here." she said. We talked about the wake, and I agreed, knowing it was something nice to do for Paris, she deserved it. Her boyfriend died.

There came a knock from the door, and I rushed to get it, and found my dad standing there with my baby sister Vivienne. She was a beautiful baby girl, just a few months old. "Hey." he said to me and I responded back with a "hey" he didn't waste another minute and got straight to business. "Can you watch Vivi for a little while? I have to get to class in a few and your mom has an emergency at the inn." I nodded.

Max got a job at Yale my senior year of college, which was partly the reason that Yale won on my pro-con list, I got to spend more time with my dad. He handed Vivienne to me and said goodbye, told me he would pick her up in 2 hours at the most. I nodded.

I spent the first hour and a half playing with Vivi, reading to her, and then Paris came back to the dorm, telling me to get the baby out of the room because her burps were stinking it up. I sighed and knew I needed to get some fresh air, so I started walking around campus. When I finally finished, I stopped towards my room and saw three boys from earlier in my room.

"Don't put your number, don't put your number" said the annoying one from earlier, what was it Logan?

"I'm not putting your number I'm putting your number" said the Aussie writing down Logan's number on a card. I finally had enough and walked up to them and said. "Excuse me, that's my room." They all turned to me, and I saw the smirk on Logan's face as he said "Ok. Put my number." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure?" the australian said "I could have sworn this was her room." I came back a him, saying "well I'm sorry that you lost a potential soulmate, but that is definitely my room." I said and Logan started talking again "I am sorry, my friend here thought this was a girl's place that he was with last night, we didn't mean for the confusion. Now we will let you be with your daughter umm..." he said, forgetting my name. "Rory." I said rolling my eyes.

Suddenly dad comes out of nowhere and grabs the baby away from me, pulling Vivienne in a tight embrasse. He kissed me on the forehead and went off.

When dad left I returned back to them and found Logan shocked to see his professor kiss me, so were the other boys. "You and Mr. Medina hun?" he asked "Well at least you made something cute." he said. I looked at him confused. Oh my god, he thought that dad and I were together, and that Vivienne was mine. I started laughing and eventually crying. This was hysterical. He continued to stare at me, wondering why I found what he said so funny.

"You think Mr. Medina and I are..." I said finally. "Oh god no! He's my father." Logan looked at the ground, probably finding himself very stupid "Vivienne's my sister, and I was watching over her. I need to tell this to mom!"

"Wait your dad's Mr. Medina?" asked the aussie. I nodded in response and looked at me "you don't look like him though, not to mention he's like only 15 years older than you."

"That's because he's not my biological dad, and my mom had me when she was 16. Why am I even telling you this, this is none of your business." I said and unlocked my room. "Good bye!" I said and slammed the door in their face. I went over to the sofa and sat down. I grabbed my purse and looked around and found a pink note with Logan's phone number. It must have fallen from the door into the purse, I flipped the note over and was shocked to read my name and my address, they weren't trying to find a soul mate. They were trying to find me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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