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I know that some of you don't care for Authors Notes, but I wanted to welcome you all to my Weasley family reaction book. I am a big sucker for big happy families. This takes place during Harry's fifth year. Although, he isn't one of the people reacting. SURPRISE!. This time it's just Mrs. Weasley, who I shall call Molly when they get to the actual reacting because I'm not going to write it all out. Same with Mr. Weasley who will be known as Arthur. Ron will be the only one in the Weasley family not there to react. But be prepared for lots of family bonding. Let me know what you think.

This takes place after Harry's dream about Mr. Weasley, who is now healed, and the entire family is at the burrow at this point in time. A few protective spells where placed around the boundary of the house. Remus and Sirius are currently at Number 12 Grimmald place, so they will not be there.

P.S if you took time to read the author's note, thank you. Do not be afraid to comment on anything that I might have done wrong or plot holes I might have missed. I'd also be grateful if you read Harry Potter reacting by BookHater95 who can be found on Wattpad and Quotev.

It was a quiet day at the burrow, well as quiet as it can get when you have seven hardheaded, stubborn children, Percy who was currently being a pigheaded bigot didn't count and Ron was currently at school, in his fifth year so there two less children to make Mrs. Weasley's life a little less hectic. But that doesn't mean that her life was still a little crazy. 

Bill and Charlie were home visiting since Ginny had decided to return home for a break, claiming that the DA teacher was a dingbat. She had expressed her opinions about her new teacher, in words that should not be repeated here in fear that the book might go up in flames, in long heated paragraphs in the letters she'd sent home earlier in the school year. The letters, which had dramatically decreased in abundance ever since Umbridge started having all the mail checked thoroughly had finally dwindled to a stop.

Until recently about a week ago from Ginny saying that she'd had enough and need a break. Her head of house, Proffeser Mcgonagall had given her permission to take a week or two off, as long as she stayed on top of her homework. Ron had been invited to join her at home, but he had declined in favor of helping Harry with something. Ginny had shrugged and gotten out of there as fast as she could.

Fred and George were there too, having set the chaos into action after flying off on their brooms.

Mrs. Weasley still wasn't pleased with them about that.

Though Ginny suspected that they only wanted to know if anyone had driven off the toad yet, which, when informed that she was still there, pouted but immediately went to make some more prank supplies for Ginny to smuggle back into Hogwarts when she returned.

Percy was... well Percy was still working for the minister, still not on speaking terms with his family and Ginny had sent more than one curse in the letters she'd sent him.

Though, she thought bitterly, he probably hadn't opened them.

"Ginny!" Called Mrs. Weasley, "Would you mind coming to help me with dinner?"

"Just a sec," she shouted back, throwing on a worn but comfy sweater before hurrying down to the door of her bedroom. Still struggling to fit her head through the hold of the tightly knitted sweater she was unable to see anything, therefore bumping into the wall. She tripped and found herself falling forward. She braced for impact, but it never came; instead she was hauled upright to a standing position and the amused voice of her eldest brother reached her ears.

"Trying to give the floor a nose bleed?" He asked as he helped pull the sweater off her. She glared at him then the sweater. It must have shrunk when her mum had washed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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