First meet

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Ross never really cared about his job.

I guess, in a way, it's sort of limiting his fun. Back when he was just a kid, he had the freedom to go anywhere no matter what time. But once school started to become stressful and adulthood was peaking; he knew the hard way. He no longer can't go back to the way it used to be.

Sometimes he still has the availability to hang out with Robert, but it's just different now.

Needing to be financially stable for college, he decided to get this job near his school just so whenever school ends, he'd at least only take a few blocks to walk and he'll be on work mode.

To be honest, the pay was helping, and it was nice knowing he could afford his wants and needs. The only downsides of this job were talking to people and having to work 4 PM to 9 PM but other than that he's just... Indifferent to it. he honestly just missed the nightly hours he would use to walk around the neighborhood and talk to his weird neighbor.

The bell on the entrance door chimed, and he just wanted to get this over with. He adjusted his position, removing any indication of him thinking about childhood again, and looked up.

His breath almost stopped when he saw the person behind the counter.

"Can I help you, dude?" he internally slapped himself. Great. That is not how you greet a customer.

Ross wasn't a very anxious person, but he knows whenever he comes across something slightly nerve-wracking, his verbal tic appears all of a sudden.

The figure was his exact height, if not slightly shorter, and he had this burnt orange-colored hair. Wearing a hat (just like him), with an orange-yellow striped sweater. The first thing Ross noticed was his face.

The said person replied, "yeah uhm. I'll have whatever's popular now." His nasally, high-pitched voice was almost relaxing. But he almost seemed like he didn't want to be here too? Or maybe he's just nervous..or tired..

Ross realized he hadn't replied yet and quickly adjusted the cuffs on his arm. "Oh uh, iced coffee's a good start? It's pretty liked by the folks and dudes here... I dunno honestly" he dumbly said. God he just wanted his shift to be over now, even though he's the only one here. His professional face is slowly starting to shift. His heart was beating WAY too fast.

If this were any customer, he'd just tell them about the new drink their manager made. But instead, he told this random dude with whom he hasn't even exchanged a couple of words to get his favorite drink. This was way too confusing for him.

"Alright I guess, I'll have that." The stranger cooly said.

"Alright, that'll be 2.29" He realized he didn't say dollars. "Dollars."

The stranger moved once he heard those words, fumbling around to find his wallet, presumably. Unfortunately, he was having a hard time, probably misplaced his wallet somewhere around. He patted both of his jean jackets just to make sure and moved on to check his backpack, placing it on a nearby table. Ross eyed his movements, he was super fidgety. And he muttered a lot.

Upon realizing his wallet definitely wasn't with him, he cursed himself.

"UGH! Those stupid losers must've stolen my wallet!"

After he questionably growled, he sighed and adjusted his bag.

He was about to leave, arranging and rearranging his bag, and fixing his look.

He looks agitated, honestly.

Ross hesitated, knowing that this is probably breaking 5 rules, and he'll probably pay for it, but he looked so tired and he just felt bad. He really hoped those losers who stole his wallet were having a terrible day. He let out the breath he unconsciously held in and decided to speak.

Coffee Shop! (Ross x Roy)Where stories live. Discover now