11 - firewhiskey

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A/N: Smut warning.



FIREWHISKEY. I need firewhiskey, something nice and strong to get my mind off my thoughts about Cormac. Thoughts that I should not be having. I'm pretty sure Fay is spending the night fooling around with Ginny in our dormitory so I decide not to bother her. 

I think I remember Bear mentioning he keeps a stash of firewhiskey bottles in his room and he also mentioned earlier today that he had a study date in the library with a Ravenclaw which means he won't be around. So I make sure no one is watching as I sneak up to his room, which the door is miraculously unlocked.

I immediately start rummaging around for the bottles.

"Looking for something?" I hear a voice behind me asking. 

I whirl around and come face to face with Cormac. "No. Not looking for anything." I lie.

"So, you weren't looking for nudes of me?" he smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. So you caught me, I was looking for Bear's stash of firewhiskey." 

Although now the sight of him naked sounds a lot more appealing, I think to myself  before mentally chastising myself. 

"Firewhiskey, huh? I'll get it for you, just take a seat." he says, gesturing towards his bed. 

I do as he says as he walks over to Bear's bed and slips his hand under the mattress, pulling out a full bottle of firewhiskey. When I reach for the bottle, he holds high enough above me that it's just out of reach. 

"We don't have a Potions essay due tomorrow. So, why did you really leave?"

"None of your business." I tell him. 

"Oh but I think it is. I mean, if you want the firewhiskey, you're gonna have to tell me."

Tell him? Tell him that I was thinking about how his fingers would feel pumping inside of me? No way, I'll just have to without the firewhiskey.

I stand up. "I don't think I want firewhiskey anymore." I say, trying to make my way to the door but Cormac stops me, placing a hand on my shoulder. The sudden contact lights my body on fire. How does one touch from him have such an effect on me?

"Must have been something dirty if you won't tell me."

"Was not."

"So tell me."


"Okay. Let me see if I can guess. You probably want the firewhiskey to take your mind away from something or someone. Someone you think you shouldn't be thinking about in that way, am I right?"

I don't respond but that's answer enough for him as he continues. 

"Were thinking about me, y/n?" he asks, his voice suddenly an octave lower.

I swallow but remain speechless. There's no getting myself out of this one. When I try to think of a snappy retort, I come up empty. 

"It was me you were thinking about then." he decides, placing the bottle onto Bear's bed. "Were you thinking about my lips on you?" He presses a kiss to my cheek, every last bit of me now awake from the feel of his soft lips against my skin. 

"Were you thinking of me trailing my tongue along you?" he whispers, his voice gruff and husky. He tucks my hair behind my ear, before trailing his tongue along the shell of my ear. My breath hitches in my throat. 

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