Chapter Six

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Hermione's ringtone rang shrilly just as she was using a napkin to wipe the butter from her fingertips. Harry's contact number flashed on the screen.

Hermione looked over to Draco as her thumb hovered over the green accept button. "Sorry, I have to take this. I'll only be two minutes."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Go right ahead."

"Harry? What's wrong?"

"It's been an hour, and you didn't text me back, H. I was starting to worry," Harry's voice crackled down the line.

Hermione pulled the phone away from her ear for a split second, to check the time. Somehow, it was now 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Hermione's hour in Draco's company had just sped by like a freight train.

"Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry. We just lost track of time, is all. But, anyway, I'm fine." Hermione watched Draco watching her. "Draco doesn't strike me as the serial killer type anyway, I'm not sure he'd be willing to get his expensive clothes dirty." The blonde Adonis just about choked on his sip of water.

"So you're safe?" Harry pressed.

"Yes, I'm safe. I'll speak to you soon, okay? Draco and I still need to talk about work arrangements."

Hermione could see in her mind's eye, Harry cringing at the idea of her work arrangements. "Right, alright." He answered. "Speak to you soon. Bye, love you."

"Love ya. Bye." Hermione moved her head with the phone as she lowered it to the table. "Bye, bye."

"A serial killer, huh?" Hermione's eyes jumped to Draco's face. He looked at her with a small smile playing about his mouth, and his grey eyes alight.

Hermione shrugged shyly, fiddling with the back of her phone case. "I always ask my best friend, Harry, to check up on me when I meet up with strangers. Not that you're as stranger... well... God, you know what I mean." Hermione was rambling now and she couldn't seem to stop herself. "I just do it to make sure you don't kill or kidnap me."

Draco nodded with one eyebrow raised. "It's a good idea. But I can promise, I'm neither a killer not a kidnapper."

"I know," Hermione said simply. "I feel safe with you."


Another scalding hot pot of tea was delivered to their table, before Hermione could bring up the reason she and Draco had decided to meet up in the first place.

"So, filming?" Hermione asked.

Draco sat back in his chair, absentmindedly stirring in an anticlockwise motion. "Yes, filming."

"How did you get into creating content? I can't remember if I asked you or not at Blaise's party."

Draco licked a dreg of tea off the back of the teaspoon. Hermione watched the pink tip of his tongue drag upwards against the metal. "To piss off my parents."

"You starting making porn to piss off your parents?" Hermione had assumed Draco hadn't started making content because he needed the money. But she'd never imaged it was due to something as fickle as annoying his parents.

"Yeah, we all did. It started as a bit of a joke, really." Draco explained. "Pansy, Theo, Blaise and I were all getting drunk, messing around, that sort of thing. We dared each other to make a profile and post something – a video, a picture, whatever we had to hand on our phones already, really. After that, our profiles just kind of started to pick up speed."

"Oh, right." Hermione traced her thumbnail over the grain running throughout the wooden table.

"Why did you start?"

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