Chapter 1

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This is our first fan fic we're quite proud of it but if there is anything you dont like please tell us as we would really like too improve!!! I hope you like it :D


Chapter 1

Franks POV

First day of another new school. I hated moving so much but unfortunately I had to stay with my dad for another year before I was old enough to move out. Until then wherever my dad's job took him, I followed.

At least there was one upside to moving maybe this time they wouldn't find out that I was gay and I could get a girlfriend and finally fit in. At my last school I learnt that to fit in you have to follow the crowd and if that meant getting a girlfriend that I didn't really care about then so be it.

I finally found the courage to get out of my battered old car and I set of towards the main gate. Joining in middle of term was hard since everyone already had their friends. Maybe I should join some Extra Curricular clubs to make friends faster.

Once I had entered the building I finally found my way to the main office to collect my time table, map of the site and other stuff. The first thing I noticed on the notice board was a large poster asking for a good guitar player, a new singer and a drummer for a band named My Chemical Romance. I thought about having a go but decided better of it. I probably wasn't good enough.

As I left the office after collecting my stuff I walked straight into someone carrying a large pile of posters. As I caught sight of them I realised that the posters were the same as the one on the notice board. By now the posters were all over the floor.

"Oh god I'm so sorry." I apologised quickly bending down to help pick them up.

"Don't worry about it." he replied. Once all of the posters were picked up I handed them back to him. I was about to walk of when he said

"Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I replied, I'm Frank Iero."

"Nice to meet you I'm Luke Prebble the temporary lead singer of My Chemical Romance." he said as if I was supposed to be impressed or something. He smiled at my confused face. I realised I was staring at him and quickly said,

"Oh the band looking for a guitarist, singer and drummer? And what do you mean temporary?"

"Yep, that's us. And I'm leaving the band 'cause I'm going to college abroad, that's why we are on the hunt for new members. Do you play?"

"Um... yeah;guitar but I'm not that good." I mumbled.

"You should come along at lunch anyway; I doubt anyone else will audition." 

"I'm not sure..." I said, "I mean you wouldn't want me in your band."

"Why wouldn't we?" He said looking slightly amused. I was about to say something in reply when the bell rang.

"I... I'd better go"

"Don't want to be late on your first day" and with that he turned and left. I set of for my first lesson; English. Argh. I hate English.

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