3. Woe is Me

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Chapter Three!Woe is Me

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Chapter Three!
Woe is Me

Mallory despised her dorm mates. Truly, she couldn't imagine anyone worse than the three she'd been stuck with since first year, Alisa, Esme and Isla. You could place all of them into the snobby Slytherin category. Especially Esme who thought she was special because she had a holiday home in France, but Mallory suspected she only boasted about it to distract everyone from the fact she had a squib younger sibling.

The most annoying thing about them, that still pained her to this day was that Mallory had actually been 'friends' with them for about two years. What a dreadful two years that was. She had only acquainted herself with them because her mother wanted her to and it's important to note that at the age of eleven Mallory still believed if she did absolutely everything her parents asked, they would pay more attention to her. This fact is awfully embarrassing to think back on now.

Currently the three of them were giggling in the bathroom while Mallory was digging through her trunk, looking for her tie. Mallory's back was towards them and was she rolling her eyes in disgust, they hadn't spoken much since moving back in together (thankfully). The girls exchanged their hellos and briefly spoke about their summers - Mallory made sure to avoid mentioning her recent engagement, not due to embarrassment, because to be honest arranged marriages weren't unheard of in Slytherin. No, Mallory was going to avoid telling people because she was going to find a way out of it, Mallory would not be marrying Alfie Cromwell.

Which brought Mallory to her most recent predicament; how she would 'get out of it'. She still held the opinion that joining Fred and George on their mysterious business venture would be about as good as she could get. After all, it wasn't like the Weasley twins were going to have thought of anything too ambitious or difficult, if she could find a way to infiltrate, it would be easy money. That being said Mallory had no idea what she was trying join, it could be a pyramid scheme for all she knew but at this point, Mallory was willing to take that chance. However, all the who, what, when, where and why was severely irritating Mallory, she hated being out of the loop, she was the loop.

As a result, Mallory made the decision to go down to breakfast earlier - maybe she could speak with Imogen and see if she had anything useful ideas. Although, if she was going to be as helpful as she was yesterday, Mallory wasn't sure if she wanted any insight from her. Imogen's recent mood was somewhat perplexing to Mallory, for she didn't think she had ever seen the girl as quiet as she was on the train ride to Hogwarts. Imogen was the picture of glamour, she waltzed around Hogwarts in furs and pearls. Always bubbly and always prepared to offer the best advice to her Slytherin friend, of course it would have to be now she'd turned all zombie. However, Mallory decided not to dwell on it, she had much bigger problems. Mallory made her way to the door ready to leave when a voice stopped her.

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