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Okay, so the axeman dream stopped. Instead, I was gifted with nothing but a black void. That void being my racing thoughts. I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the grueling hour of five o'clock. I'd hid my phone under the pillow to make myself fall asleep. It backfired, of course.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I pulled my covers over my head. Even if I didn't fall asleep, I felt like I was forced awake during an Advil PM daze. After thirty seconds of torture, the beeping seized.

A familiar scent of body wash and breakfast filled my room from the hall. That kinda distracted from my aching tire. My phone fell on the floor during my daze. I almost forgot what day it was until I accidentally kicked my clothes onto the floor. The ones I picked out last night. All with stickers and tags stuck to them.

"Screw off," I muttered to myself and "pointed a finger". Once I realized I flipped off my own clothes, I knew it would be a long morning.

I slid out of bed and trudged to the lamp. My eyes burned from it like a vampire.

"I said zip it!"

I yanked the clothes off the floor and looked around.

Finally, after two weeks of living at the new place, I unpacked all my stuff. Organized into the perfect mess. Clothes stuck out of my tall dresser where the old TV sat. My computer desk stood near a corner with posters of singers and a 4th grade honor roll certificate on the wall. I wanted to give it to Andy just in case he doesn't get an honor roll this year. What would people think about me having an NSYNC poster above my bed?

I shuffled to the bathroom-the bright, white bathroom. I figured out the hot water, so I could take a normal shower. I got dressed immediately so I wouldn't have to later. Same letterman jacket from a couple weeks ago, only I wore white jeans this time. I considered wearing an earring, but threw it away.

That gave me about an hour and ten minutes to mess around and get my stuff together.

In the kitchen, Mom poured coffee into her mug. She scraped some eggs out of the pan and onto Andy's plate. Chucky sat in his lap wearing a pajama shirt around him as a blanket. Andy's smile brightened the room and brought one to my face.

"Morning, A," I ruffled his hair.

"Good morning!" he cheered. "Are you excited?"

"Neh, a little."

"Is fourth grade fun? Is East fun? What's my teacher's name again?"

"Osborne. She's super fun. You'll love her."

I opened the fridge and pulled out a container of strawberries. They tasted good on peanut butter toast.

Back in my room, I pulled my new bookbag out of the closet. Another night without sleep, I might actually eat the weird packet inside it. The bag was really beefy for a first day: two binders, three notebooks, a pencil pouch, and the book I was reading. How does that work? I pulled it over my shoulders.

That stupid Throw Away box still sat there next to my trash can. I had sealed the top with five long strips of duct tape before we moved. I wanted to tape it more, but it'd just be decoration at that point.

6:30 and the bus would arrive in five minutes. I leaned on the mailbox. Griffin walked over, upright and awake like he woke up in paradise. He wore a red and black flannel and cuffed blue jeans. His hair was tied in a ponytail.

"What's up," he said.

"H-Hey, Griff." I yawned.

"Remember, you don't have to remember where all your classes are right away. It took me three weeks to remember mine."

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