Chapter 1

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April 1 2019

Virgil was awoken by a knock at his bedroom door. When he got up and opened the door he saw Patton standing at his door but he looked concerned.
" hey kiddo we wanted to talk to you about something, do you mind coming down stairs?"
Had he done something wrong? Were the others mad at him for some reason? His mind raced as they walked down the hall, but when they got down stairs he relaxed a bit when he saw the relaxed poses of Logan and Roman. Logan was flipping through a science textbook and Roman was polishing his sword. When they saw Virgil they stopped what they were doing and moved to the couch. They were all silent for a few moments leaving him to wonder if he had acutely done something wrong. Virgil was the first to speak,
"Sooooo....You guys wanted to talk to me about something."
They all exchanged looks, but they must have come to some sort of decision because it was Logan's gaze that next fell on anxiety
"This is a difficult topic to discuss but since we have all been trying to understand each other more this is a question we have been meaning to ask."
At this point Virgil has no clue where this conversation was going, but his sense of alarm was calming as he released the others weren't mad at him.
"None of us meant to offend you and we have discussed the best wa-"
"Its ok, I get the point specks, just ask the question"
Roman then cast his gaze in virgil and started to speak.
"What's it like to be anxious all the time?"
He blinked at the others unsure how to answer.
"Well you need to keep in mind that anxiety isn't just fear, when you face the unknown, its a micheurture of fear and curiosity but it's often hindered by the need for self preservation"
"Ok I'm not sure I'll follow."
Patton and Roman nodded in agreement. Virgil bit his lip as he thought.
"It's not easily explained, the only word I know to describe it is anxiety."
He started to think about all the times he fought with the very trait he embodied.
"Patton you're afraid of spiders right?"
Pattons eyes grew wide.
"Not the creepy crawly death dealers!"
"I'll take that as a yes"
He stopped to think, racking his mind for an anilgey.
"Sooo... When you see a spider you freak out, you get scared, that's fear, however when you worry about that you might see a spider all day every day that's anxiety, now apply that same worry to everything in life you'll have a pretty good idea about what it feels like.... Does that make sense."
When the other three shook their heads no he knew he had to come up with a new way to explain it. Over the course of an hour he tried to explain it in many different ways, even trying to relate them to each side individually, he was having a hard time finding a way to explain something that he so regularly felt, then he came up with an idea that seemed very reminiscent of his old ways it was a bit of a devious plan, but sense just talking had failed him so far mabey a demonstration would be necessary, the tinge to him was that is had the same mentality that he had as a dark side, so he diced to ask
"Do you guys really want to know what it is like to be me?"
They all profusely nodded, he wondered if they would agree if they truly knew what they were getting into. Still they had given their consent so he would show them what it felt like constantly looking over your shoulder, to be on edge 24/7 and to consider everything to be a threat. He stood up, a small smirk lacing his features making his way back towards his room, as he started to head up the stairs he looked over at them and said
"Watch your back"
He was almost all the way up the stairs before the voice of the logal faset reached him
"What is that supposed to mean"
The anichous faset waited for all three of the others to have their eyes looked on him to respond.
"Just watch your back"
Wail the others started to discuss what he meant by that he went to his room to start planing out the first stage of his plan.

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