🌟My Constellation's Star🌟

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I am a constellation. And I have a star~

α σαγιτταριυς οnεshοτ

The taxi driver maneuvered on the road as soon as I got in and handed my fare. Tonight isn't a night I needed to miss or I'll have to add up another wine of regret in my life.

The glimmering lights of the city were bright as ever that I fainted a smile as how the sight rendered such nostalgia.

🎶La la la la la ra ra na na na mhm🎶

"Woah! Shooting star, Kinun!"

The guitar strings were left vibrating that the singer lifted his head up to where I was pointing at...

I knew it was as cliché as ever but I grasped my fingers locked together and wished in serenity.


I gave him a smack for shouting so untimely that he gave me that baby face about to cry.

"What kind of wish are you shouting for?? Now it is exposed~" I teased him that we only laughed it off merrily and only enjoyed the city lights from this old bridge.

Kinun is my best friend. He is such an introverted guy not good with casual conversations but he's very talented in music so he mostly sings what he wants to say.

We met when I was a high school freshman and I never thought we would be best friends.

He was a loner. I was an outgoer.

He wasn't sociable while I was always around people who enjoys my company.

He was frantically awkward and I was a random jester.

He grew up without care for hope due to his family background and I was the ever hopeful, dainty princess that was told to bring ember of smiles to people.

We lived a completely different world but he was a star and I am his constellation, and that's how fate tied our red string.

"Thanks po."

I stood before a grand entrance of a convention center after coming out of the taxi and I made my way in. Men and women of fine status marched the red carpet where I trodded and the camera flashes escorted us on our way to the main hall.

Flashes of fireworks removed the gloom of the starless night sky.

It is my birthday and Kinun and I decided to have some stargazing to celebrate tonight but the dark clouds covered the sky.

Since Kinun didn't want me to feel disappointed, he invited me to watch the fireworks display in town. We made our way uphill only to view them and it still made my day bright though it won't be compared to the starlight's charms.

It was Kinun who taught me to admire those celestial balls at night since he wanted to be an astronaut. He taught me about galaxies, planets, moons, comets, and stars.

That's where I learned my name is a constellation and he is a star.

"What a visionary project! KITARIA will surely bring stars closer to many people's eyes!"

The MC continued and my response to the speech presentation of the company CEO is my applause holding back tears from my eyes.

"Taria, I will make sure to work in NASA! And when I reunite with you again, I will build a project to make people see the stars closer than ever!"

"Congratulations for achieving your dream, Kinun! What a star you were giving that speech!"

He smiled when we finally met up and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Why did scorpio wanted to exchange places with capricornus?"

"Why Taria?"

"Because Sagittarius was aiming his arrow on him!"

Some faint laughters...

"I thought you won't come but I am glad you are here~"

I did not consider anymore seconds and I immersed him in my tight embrace letting lose of my tears I kept for so long.


"Let me explain!"

"Vela is heartbroken and I embraced her because she needed comfort!"

"Just don't get near me, Kinun! Go away and never show yourself to me again!"

And he went abroad to pursue his dream and I never heard from him.

"You're still as beautiful as ever, Taria~ After so many years..."

I smiled and we raised a toast before drinking from the glass of wine and Kinun sang the song he made for me back then.

🎶You're the star of my constellation, baby...🎶

🎶You light up my night sky when you're with me...🎶

"Thanks, Taria... For coming even it was sudden and congratulations on your wedding."

"Yeah. I didn't expect your gift was a telescope actually. Antares set it up on our balcony. It's an amazing telescope, Kinun."

We both let the starry night to join us in our meaningful conversation until the party drew to its end.


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