Chapter 1

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There once was a girl who was 6 years old. Her name was Annalise Goble. She had so many friends! Annalise wasn't popular but she was a likable person. Annalise always wanted to be near her friends and family. She played outside and loved going to school and seeing her friends. She was always sitting at the table with her family at breakfast and dinner. The Goble family had game nights every Saturday night. On Sunday morning they went to church. It was a happy family and most importantly Annalise was happy. You see, Annalise's parents had a child before her. Her name was, Mariette Goble. Mariette's parents had found out she was suffering from depression in 7th grade. One day when Mariette was only 14 she was gone. The police didn't know where she was. Then on September 17th they found her body. Mariette had ended her own life. The Goble parents were so upset and felt as if they could have done something to help her like take her to a therapist. They thought they were the reason for her death. So they tried again and had Annalise. They spent extra time with Annalise so she would feel happy and content. Once Annalise was in the 3rd grade, kids started bullying her. They made fun of her name, looks, weight, hair, freckles, voice and choice of clothes. She basically got bullied for everything. Annalise had red hair, green eyes, and freckles. She had always been so confident in herself. Her parents got scared and started worrying that the same thing that had happened to Mariette would happen to Annalise. They told Annalise to tell the kids to call her Anna so her name would be neutral. So Anna told the kids to call her by Anna and not Annalise. Anna's friends started becoming popular and hanging out with the mean kids. Soon they left Anna and just ignored her. Soon, her friends started to bully her. They would call her, "the fat freckled pig". Anna tried to ignore them as her parents told her to do so.

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