Thomas and Spike to the rescue

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The island of sodor is a magical place, There are hills and cliffs to climb, there are faces and places that are old and new, there are railways and roads, and a place where engines can live in peace. Today there is special news for the island; a brand new search and rescue center. Even though the drivers never told the engines, what it was, everyone knew it was important. Harold had his pilot and the pegasus captain of the wonderbolts, Spitfire were carrying a climber in Harold's harness.

"Well done Harold! Well done Spitfire!" shouted Thomas, "You two saved the climber!"

As Harold was setting the climber down he said: "Mission accomplished, Spitfire, No one is hurt and everybody is safe. Great to see you, Twilight and Spike again, Thomas!"

"Great job Harold! Bravo Spitfire!" boomed Sir Topham Hatt.

"Thank you sir." said Spitfire as she landed Harold, "you know it was kind of a tight squeeze from the valley, and we are having a lot of rescues lately."

"That's why," added Sir Topham Hatt, "Sodor needs a search and rescue center; a special space, and a proper place to help people and engines who are in trouble and need help." "Your helipad will be over there Harold." said Sir Topham Hatt pointing to an unfinished helipad.

"That is terrific Sir." said Harold.

"We can't wait for the big moment, Sir." said Spitfire.

"Rocky, your new shed will be over there." Said Sir Topham Hatt pointing to where a shed was just starting to be built.

"I never had my own shed before." said Rocky, "It's such an honor Sir."

"And Captain, you will have a safe mooring and a boat house."

"Can't wait sir," said a boat, "I am ready, raring and roaring to be really useful."

"And is this where the rescue center building where the rest of the rescuers will be, Sir?" asked Thomas.

"That's correct Thomas." said Sir Topham Hatt, "the center building will be right here in the middle or as I like to say the center of the Sodor search and rescue center. It will be a spectacular building, made from the strongest wood of all."

"Is the rescue center building going to be made out of Australian Buloke?" asked Twilight. "My research says it is the strongest wood."

"No, Twilight, the wood we are using is stronger than that of Australian Buloke trees, Jobi wood. It will arrive today at Brendam docks."

Everyone gasped. They heard about the Jobi wood. They knew it was special but they had little info.

"And," Sir Topham Hatt carried on his final announcement, "there will be another rescue team from another land that will visit us on special occasions: The Paw Patrol."

This made everyone excited. They sometimes saw the PAW patrol on TV. And they wanted to meet them.

"First Thomas, Twilight and Spike," said Sir Topham Hatt, "You must take the climber back to knapford station so he can be taken to a hospital, then you three must hurry to Brendam docks to help out Percy and Pinkie Pie. There is so much to be done."

And Sir Topham Hatt was right there was so much to do; along with building the buildings, new tracks have to be placed. The whole steam team and the mane 8 were helping out with the building. Henry and Fluttershy, and Edward and Applejack are in charge of heaving the rails and rods, James and Rarity and Emily and Starlight Glimmer are shoving the bricks and mortar that were needed for building the platforms and stationhouse, Toby and Sunset Shimmer and Gordon and Rainbow Dash were going to the Sodor Slate Quarry to pick up some slate, and Thomas and Twilight and Spike were with Percy and Pinkie Pie by Brendam docks; they saw a huge ship that was loaded and piled with logs. They were red and long.

Thomas and Spike Rescue from Misty island Where stories live. Discover now