chapter three

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i shivered. the voice was in my head, he spoke directly to me and i could probably do the same for him. okay let's try this. i took a deep breath.

A: queen?

J: there are many... hmmm... 'creatures' as you put it, though the main species that are companions are only 12. the drakari, my kind, we are the most powerful and i am king.

"wait... if i am your supposed queen how in the world are you king? that is crazy. you're a freaking dragon i will not be forced into an arranged marriage with yo-"

J: i apologize for the confusion. i am king of the 'creatures,' all species. but you are their queen, my queen as well... not in the way you think of it. you are free to choose your beloved. i am more of your other half in terms of the soul.

"so, a spirit animal?"

his body shifted in obvious discomfort.

J: you have strange diction, but yes in a way.

"well that is great for you being a king and all of that, but i can't be queen."

Joon tilted his head to the side. i huffed and sat down cross-legged. if he believed me to be his queen, then the other drakari couldn't hurt me. my body relaxed as i sat there.

J: you already are. as soon as you went through the fire, we knew it was you. only the true queen or king can do so and survive.

"this doesn't make sense i'm not even from here."

J: neither are the other humans yet they choose to remain here. it is a lovely world but we need a leader, i've waited a millenia for a companion.

"gosh you're old. the humans are from earth too? wait, they have a choice... tell me more."

J: the humans came through centuries ago, they were the warriors the gods brought us from grand empires at the time, like the Aztec/Maya/Roman/Trojan/Greek... only the greatest warriors of your world. they are informed of our world, then given the choice to either stay or leave through the portal again but they forget any memory of having been here. that is the cost. they fell in love with our world and met their companions. they were unable to leave, so they stayed.

"that is... so you're immortal, how?"

J: every companion is immortal. we have many companions in our lifetimes, when they die we wait until the gods grant us another. like i've said, i have waited a millenia for you.

"these warriors?... these gods? who were they?"

J: i'm sure you've heard their stories, Achilles and his beloved Patroclus, Icarus... there are many warriors. as for the gods, the greeks were correct. the 'olympians' they refer to are the gods, hence the twelve species of companions. each represents a god's creation.

"i-i- wow. so they exist here?"

J: the gods come and go. they travel the galaxies most of the time. we are one of their favorite creations, so they visit often. i'm afraid the last time they visited yours was during the days of the Aztec/Maya/Incan warriors to save them from their deaths by the greedy colonizers. they couldn't save them all, only the worthy.

"but they have different gods?"

J: yes, the gods have many forms. for the Aztec/Maya/Inca, they take on different roles but they are essentially the same. humans have varying gods or none at all, it is quite peculiar.

if what he said was true, then would they not have advanced technology yet? i mean the civilizations in the Americas were full of innovation and such intelligence but they had been reverted to so-called 'savages' by the colonizers who demoted them to nothing. here, there creations could have easily continued.

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