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If you or someone you know is being abused, please contact help. Wether it is by a friend or family member- please seek help immediately if you are in danger. 


Tate's POV

"Hey mommy!" Flynn shouted, skipping into the kitchen as I cut the carrots. "Hey baby. What's up?" Flynn sat on the chair that was in front of me. "Can Issa come over for a sleepover tonight? Her daddy isn't being very nice, she told me on Roblox." I put the knife down and looked at her. 

"Did she tell you anything else?" I asked in a serious tone. "She told me at school last week that after her mommy died 2 years ago- her daddy would say mean things but a month ago he started hurting her body." My heart dropped. 

"Let's go pick her up right now. Go clean your room super fast, I'll tell daddy!" Flynn got up and started running to her room. 

"Jo!" I yelled, running into my husbands office. "Do you remember Flynn's friends Issa? Yeah well, her dad is abusing her! I need you to come with me to get her, just in case things go south!" Jonahs head shot up, as did his body. "Let's go." He yelled, grabbing his wallet and the keys before running outside. Madison was home, so I told her what we were doing so she knew. 

"Can I help you?" Issa's dad asked as Jonah banged on the door. "Yeah, we are here to pick Issa up for the sleepover with out daughter." I spoke. "No. Get off my property." As he went to close the door, Jonah stuck his foot in the door. "We know you've been abusing her. We'll be taking her from here, and calling the police." He opened the door, and Issa ran out into my arms. 

"It'll be okay baby.. Let's go to the car. Flynn is waiting." I softly spoke, helping her to the car. "Thank you for helping me Mrs Frant-" I cut the girl off. She couldn't say my surname. "Call me Tate. And my husband Jonah." Issa nodded. "Thank you mommy. I love you." Flynn whispered. "I love you too" 

We all waited for about 10 minutes, until Jonah finally came out, with a black eye and cut lip. "What happened?" I asked, worry in my voice. "He punched me a few times. I didn't hit him." Jonah sighed. "Swap with me, I'm driving. We'll call the police about Issa when we're home." Jonah nodded and we swapped. 

I instantly began driving home. I felt so bad.


Again: If you or somebody you know is being abused, please call your local abuse line. Nobody should have to tolerate that. Help somebody out. If you call that and tell them everything you know, you could be saving yourself or others.

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