Armin Arlert x Female Reader (Attack On Titan)

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It's been a stressful day.

Sticking your keys in the lock, you twist as they jangle against each other, opening the front door to your apartment. Lazily stumbling in, you immediately throw your grocery bags to the side on the floor, sluggishly throwing your shoes off into some unknown corner. Closing the door with your foot, you lock it and slowly trudge your way to your bedroom, not even bothering to switch on the lights.

You've been running all over the place completing countless errands, taking care of little matters that have been piling up on your to-do list, and just everything that needed to be done. You're exhausted.

Face-first onto your bed, you sink into the soft mattress, sighing happily as your body melts into the pillowy sheets. After your long day, sleep slowly creeps up from behind you, your eyes beginning to feel droopy as they flutter closed.

You're about to succumb to your sleep until you feel your phone vibrate against your thigh in your pocket, a loud ding echoing throughout the bedroom.

Squeezing your eyes shut in frustration, you loudly groan, stuffing your hand into your pocket, pulling out the device. Squinting your eyes at the brightly lit up screen, you peer at the name on the phone.

{armin} hii sweetheart :)

After you read the notification, your eyes immediately widen in surprise at the sudden text. Your smiling, eyes sparkling and you don't even realize it, and suddenly you aren't mad about the interruption anymore.

Opening the text, you reply back.

{you} hi baby

He replies fast, making sure not to leave you waiting.

{armin} how was your day?

{you} it was good, i finally got all those errands i was telling you about done. what about you?

{armin} i'm glad to hear that. mine was good.

i miss you though

Your heart drops at his words, the fond smile on your face lessening. Armin has been away for a few weeks now, over in a different city completing some tasks. You miss him, and not being able to see his calming smile next to you every day is part of the reason you've been feeling uneasy.

{you} i miss you too :(

{armin} can i call you?

{you} of course

Without a second to spare, the call rings on your phone, Armin illuminating the screen in bright letters. You pick up, sitting upright in your bed, and bringing the phone to your ear.

"hello?" your voice speaks smoothly through the line.

"hi love, how are you?" Armin asks, his sweet voice music to your ears. you hear quiet shuffling in the background.

"i'm good Armin... i just miss you so much." you shift so that you're lying on your side, closing your eyes as you sink into the heavenly mattress.

"i miss you too, love. only a few more days." he reassures, his voice soft and comforting. You try to imagine him and his big blue eyes, right there with you, holding you in his arms as you fall asleep.

"a few more days..." you mumble, growing even more tired by the second, your grip on the phone slowly loosening.

"are you okay? you sound out of it." you can hear the heavy concern laced in his voice, even through the smile softly, nodding your head as if he could see you. "yeah, i'm fine. just tired. it's been a long day."

Mulit-Fandom x Female Reader {Fluffs}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя