Woohoo (v joke so)

390 21 13

One day you turn on your computer and decide to play sims. You loved playing sims, and you even made sims out of your otp, phan.

So when you got on sims, something unexpected happened.

They were actually in the game.

Dan and Phil, as tiny computer sized people. You weren't sure how it happened, they weren't sure how it happened. All you knew was that you could control them.

And you were going to have fun with it.

First you obviously made them kiss. They instantly pulled away, which made you upset.

So then you made them make out.

They REALLY didn't like that.

So, you made them woohoo.

They tried so hard. They walked into tables. You selected woohoo again. They said they needed to eat. You kept selecting woohoo.

They had no choice.

They woohooed.

You found a mod so the blanket would go away.

You made them woohoo again. Over and over again.

You watched as they both cried, not enjoying it. You would make them enjoy it.

The end

Woohoo (joke phanfic)Where stories live. Discover now