The Awakening

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*Godric's Hollow Grave*

James POV

I woke up and my body feels very stiff. "Where am I," I thought. I had a gut feeling that I died. I was in a place that felt like nothing but a coffin. I Reached my wand tilted it at an Angle and shouted "Bombarda!". I heard similar shouts around me. 


Lily POV 

I woke up feeling stiff. Soon my mind was racing with thoughts such as harry ... Voldemort ... killed! I reached for my wand and shouted Bombarda. I hear voices that sounded like James's and Remus's also unknown ones.


Remus and Nymphadora( dont tell her I said that) POV

We woke up with an alert in our mind thinking if we had died or not and that is when Tonks though of a boy her son her teddy sleeping without his parents. They shouted bombard with alerts in their voice.

Air POV (😂)

The 4 woke up in thoughts such as where were they. Soon Realization dawned on them that they were all in  Godrics hollow grave! They couldn't travel through apparition so they walked catching up about how moony finally decided to get married without thinking he is too dangerous too poor and too old for tonks or now known as Dora. Coincidentally it was the day the potters came to visit there loved one's graves. They saw all the graves looking like a mess until they saw all the people that were supposed to be in it.

Continue reading for the next part!

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