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It had been 3 weeks after the incident and iida, deku and icyhot were all out of hospital.

Aizawa and dads wedding was 3 days away so you and yagi were sorting the plans out.

Setting: UA
You can't have it in a church because yall would burn if you entered one

Midnight/ nem
Recovery girl
And zashi and dadzawas parents

It was only a small guest list and the only reason Tenya was invited was to keep you company.
Yet your dad wasn't completely on board with you dating him but aizawa was fine he's chill enough plus he know Tenya a lot more and knows he's responsible.

"Y/N have you got the suits" yagi asked emerging from the gift bags

"They're hung up at Nems house" I respond whilst dressing mittens in his little bow tie and top hat.
"Where's the reception gonna be again?"

"The gym hall" yagi states "they wanted to keep it basic"

This makes you chuckle "more like aizawa wanted it basic, dad wanted it to be at a club where he can get drunk and sing his ass off whilst playing his saxophone"

You both laugh at this.

You had the gift bags prepared the contents were:

Some chocolate
Some vodka
A fake rose
And some ✨glitter✨
(Cuz why not ^^)

Everything was ready all you needed to do was wait

You was so excited

But nervous about your entire family meeting your boyfriend....

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