Chapter 3

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Hey! I'm so sorry about the really late update! School and family stuff have kept me super busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Good Morning!" I burst through my door and yelled into the room. I went over to the doors leading outside and opened them, letting the sunlight in. I had made sure Nezuko was safe from any light when I had left my room. I turned around to see the three boys moving, still unconscious. They were grumbling in their sleep. I rolled my eyes. Dumb boys. They needed to get up and exercise!

I went over to each of them and one by one threw off their blankets. Tanjiro woke up, thinking they were in trouble. He jumped up, but slipped on his pillow, falling back down on his butt. When Zenitsu woke up, he looked really confused. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and then just looked around. I had to admit it was pretty cute. Boar Head was anything but cute. He immediately started to yell. I groaned. It was way too early for yelling.

"WHO WOKE ME UP?! Whoever it was, fight me! Fight me now!"

I scoffed. "What is it with you and fighting?"

"I have to show everyone I am better than them! I can do anything they can do!"

"Yeah whatever," I said," and we need to exercise."

"But it's too earlyyyyy," Zenitsu complained, rubbing his eyes some more.

"We need to get our strength back and there is no better way than to exercise."

"I'm not gonna! You can't make me!" Boar Head yelled as if taunting me. I rolled my eyes. Did he really think that was going to get to me? My armor is stronger than that. I smiled, an idea forming.

"How about we play a game?" Boar Head looked up.

"You mean a competition?!" I nodded my head. "Deal! Let's go! I'm gonna win this!" He jumps up and starts to punch the air. I then realize that I've never seen him without the boar head on. I walk over behind him and swiftly grab the head, pulling it off in one motion. He whips around and what I saw I did not expect. I burst into laughter.

"PFFT!! Haha! You look like a girl! Haha! I can see why you wear this thing 24/7." He had a very feminine face. He had big green eyes with a petite nose and a soft looking mouth. His hair was bluish-black and when in the sunlight it looked more blue. Overall, I would say he was very pretty. If I hadn't seen him walk around with no shirt on I would have mistaken him for a girl.

"Hey! Give that back now!" "Nope!" I started to run around the room, Boar Head chasing me. I could see out of the corner of my eye Tanjiro laughing a little. My eyes widened a little. He looked beautiful. The morning light coming from the open doors made his skin and hair glow. His face was all scrunched up as he laughed, lighting up his face. I stumbled a bit. That little stumble was enough for Boar Head to get his...what exactly was it? A mask? A hat? A boar head. Anyway, he snatched it from me and huffed a little. He stuffed his head back into it and then headed outside, grumbling to himself. I smirked a little and then turned back to Tanjiro and Zenitsu who had just sat on the floor watching the whole thing play out.

"You guys coming? Boar Head's not gonna like this, but it's a team game so we need some more players."

Tanjiro nodded his head and followed Boar Head out, flashing me a smile as he passed me. I looked at Zenitsu and noticed him crying, wiping his eyes with his long sleeves. I ran over to him and knelt. "Are you ok Zenitsu? What's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?" He sniffed a few times, loudly, and then started to talk.

"I'mnotgoodatsportsandI'mgonnagetreallyhurt!" He said this so fast, I could barely understand him. I rubbed his back a little and told him to slow it down "I'm not *sniff* good at sports and *sniff* I'm gonna get hurt!"

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