Chapter one

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Azura's POV

 me, stella, rain and ceris decided to go on a survival trip we packed enough food to last the trip there and then we had to hunt for food on our own we as in me they made me do it all-

Stella- come on hurry up

Rain- I'm hurrying I'm hurrying jeesh


                    Ceris walked in 

Ceris- Azura, rain, Stella y'all ready?

Azura- we are almost ready just need to pack up my first aid stuff and then I'm ready-

5 hours later we got to where we needed to be 

Azura- I'll set up the traps Stella start the fire rain set up the tent and ceris stand guard ok?

Everyone- ok

In the woods 

Azura mumbling- I gotta put that there this here aannnnd done!

Back at the campsite 

Azura- *yawn* imma turn in for the night ok?

Stella- *yawn* same-

 Gos and lays down in the tent-

Rain- sooo just me and you I guess?

Ceris- nope just you-

Teleports somewhere else

Rain- *sigh*

Lays down on the ground and falls asleep only to be woken up a few hours later by a jingling of bells on the trap signaling that something was caught-

 He ignored it and went back to sleep- 


The next morning 

Stella- hey! Rain! Wake up!

Rain- *yawn* what? What's happening? WHERES THE FIGHT?!

Stella- 🤦‍♀️ rain there's no fight it's just your job today to check the traps-

Rain- oh riiiggghhttt-

At the trap that was jingling last night

There wasn't anything trapped but there were signs of something that had been trapped but got away some how so rain set up a new trap with a wire snare-

Back at the campsite 

Rain- good news and bad news-

Stella- what is it?

Rain- good news I found some worms bad news is the trap was ineffective- so we fishing today-


Ceris- where is azura?

Stella- oh she just decided to go do a patrol around the camp-

        Suddenly azura came running back

Stella- azura you ok?

Azura- yeah I'm fine it's just were not alone out here-

Stella- huh? What do you mean?

Azura- I found a little cave that had some stuff in it someone was there-

Ceris- um that was me sorry-

Azura and Stella- 😑

After a couple hours of fishing rain came back it was dark out so they decided to go to bed-


In the morning

Azura- I'm gonna go check the *yawn* traps ok?

Everyone- ok-


With azura and the traps-


Walks over to the trap and found......

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