5. Before the Storm

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Hi, everyone! Before you start this chapter I suggest you read it at the sound of Queen's "Love of Life". Or maybe not, if you don't wanna cry :) Anyway, enjoy!

Madrid, July 2001

In late July, classes were already over, and students were either returning home for the summer holidays or planning end of term parties. An especially glamorous graduation ball had been arranged by the last year students. Germán was not sure he wanted to attend, but for nothing in the world did Alícia want him to miss this once in a life time event. In addition, she wanted to go too. Her pregnancy was in the 7th month and she had been feeling like most pregnant woman would feel at this stage: tired, heavy, moody, a bit under the weather, but otherwise fit. She needed something to lift her spirits a little. He agreed on the condition that they didn't stay too long.

"It will only be one dance," the redhead teased. She was stupendous in a tightly-fitted red dress tailored specially for the occasion. Germán found her perfect round belly looked very sexy in it. He let her know it with a soft kiss on her mouth doing his best not to spoil her make-up. Too late. She immediately responded to his touch by deepening the kiss and pushing him against the wall. It was all true what they said about pregnancy hormones leaving women extremely horny. The woman had been insatiable all the way long, to his delight.

After their own pre-party celebration a taxi took them to the premises of the ball. It had all been decorated in a very tasteful way: for the first part, during which speeches were to be held, pictures shown on a big screen and the graduates were supposed to get a symbolic rolled-up certificate, tables had been set up for the students and their families. The young soon-to-be parents had chosen to go alone; they were each other's families now after all. Besides, neither her parents nor his were fans of this kind of event, so they didn't even bother to ask.

Once it was over, tears had been shed, laughter had been heard and relatives were free to go if they wished so, the real party began. From that fateful night, Alícia could only recall the envious stares she got from women after woman, and how jealous Germán had been every time a man stole her a look, either very obviously or from the corner of their eyes. The dance they shared she remembered as well. That memory would be a lifelong treasure and her salvation at many a time.

Alícia suddenly felt out of place; she didn't want to be there anymore. Nevertheless, before she could say a word to Germán, who was sitting beside her with one hand delicately placed on her tight and a drink in the other, "Love of my life" by the Queen started to play and the couple immediately exchanged a look that told with no words that the moment was theirs. Theirs only.

Love of my life, you've hurt me

It was a song about loss, but also about profound and unconditional love, and that was the part they related to as soon as they first listened to it together. Since then it had become their song and whenever they heard it their unspoken promise of everlasting love hung in the air, as well as their vows of never hurting each other in the way described by the lyrics.

You've broken my heart, and now you leave me

Germán placed his unfinished drink on the nearest table and took his girlfriend by the hand. He need not ask for a dance.

Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

Once on the dance floor, Alícia pressed against Germán and made the gap between them as small as her belly allowed her. He took her in and let her rest her head on his shoulders while both swayed gently to the tune. Her hair smelled marvellously, he couldn't bring himself to stop breathing on it. She in turn was lost in his arms as if nothing else existed at the moment. Both were taken over by a blissful feeling of completeness.

"Te amo, Alícia," he whispered in her ear, so low he wasn't sure she had heard it. The kiss she placed on the small of his neck left no doubts she had. "So much it hurts," he added.

Love of my life, don't leave me
You've taken my love, and now desert me
Love of my life, can't you see?

The redhead was about to tell him not be so dramatic. But how could she, when she felt just the same? "I know. I love you too," she said instead, kissing him softly on the mouth this time.

Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

The pair didn't realise when other couples started to join them. Some had also been together for quite a long time, others had just met each other. To the ordinary onlooker this was irrelevant, for all that mattered they were all sharing a very special moment.

You will remember
When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way

Germán now placed one of his hands on the side of her belly and Alícia held it there gracefully but surely.

When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you (I still love you)

If the couple knew what expected them they would have certainly chosen to live in that moment for the rest of their lives.

Back, hurry back
Please, bring it back home to me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Love of my life

Everything that happened afterwards was a blur to Alícia, and Germán had chosen to push it to the very back of his head and keep it enclosed there

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Everything that happened afterwards was a blur to Alícia, and Germán had chosen to push it to the very back of his head and keep it enclosed there.

When the song was over she told him she was tired and wanted to go home. He happily obliged. Their taxi didn't take long to arrive. Apparently the driver had been driving students and parents to and from the party, and was already in the area. The road was busier than expected on a regular Thursday night, but apart from that it looked like it would be a smooth drive. Alícia couldn't wait to get out of that dress and bury herself under the covers in their bed. Germán had other thoughts, which his girlfriend never came to learn about. It all happened very fast. Before they knew, a car came from the other direction blaring its horns and invading their lane. Then all of sudden everything became silent while their car swerved to the right in an attempt to avoid the imminent collision. A few centimetres more and the driver would have managed it. Just a few centimetres changed their lives forever.

Germán's last recollection of that night was Alícia's face upside down, her eyes closed, blood running out of her mouth before everything went dark and he fell into his own oblivion.


Ok, ok, I am sorry, but don't kill me just yet :) This chapter was one of the most difficult to write so far, and from now on the events that affected Alícia the way I imagined it start to unfold. See you at the next chapter. xxx

Soy Alícia SierraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora