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(A/n ^^^Thats the song I'm listening to whole making this)
(Time Skip🌚)

Y/n's POV

2 Days Later
I woke up early this morning its like 5am. So I took that opportunity to clean up my house. I don't have to go into work till 8.
I started cleaning my room first cause its kinda dirty from earlier.

2 hours later
Its Currently 7 and I have to start getting ready for work. I started getting ready for work& my Sisters bf called me (A/n I know Jano &Ida broke up but we gone act like they still together for this story)
Ft call with High Asf🤣🚬(we gone act like thats a blunt ok🌚)
Me: Wassup
Jano: Wassup have u talked to Ida
Me: No why? Is she okay?
Jano: Yeh shes okay
Me: So why you calling me asking about her
Jano: She told me to call you
Me: Why tho
Jano: She said she feels like you &her are splitting apart
Me: Why she feel like that?
Jano: Cause you didn't call her about your date with Kobe. She had to bring it up when you called her
Me: Why didn't she call me &we could've talked bout this
Jano: Idk she just told me to call you &tell you that
Me: Ok I'll call her&talk about it thanks for letting me know Jano
Jano: You welcome

I don't understand why she didn't call me instead of having her bf in our business. I called Ida
Ft call with : Big Sissy👭🤞🏽❤
Ida: Hello
Me: So you mad at me??
Ida: I mean a little yeh
Me: So you had to tell your bf to call me &be in our business
Ida: I mean its not that big of a deal
Me: Yeh its not but if you felt that way you shouldve called me& we couldve talked this out.
Ida: Youre right
Me: So what are you mad about
Ida: Cause when you called me the other day I had to bring up the topic if you going on a date with Kobe
Me: I can see what you're coming from but you never called me every time you &Jano went on a date
Ida: Right, but im your big sister& I wanna be involved as much as I can cause you know mom &dad didn't let me come over cause I was a bad influence on you
Me: Ik and I'm sorry that I made you feel like that were splitting apart
Ida: Its okay & im sorry that I made Jano call you about our business
Me: Its ok. But I work with his sister
Ida: Girl no way
Me: Like it was her first day &she looked and sounded familiar&then that same night me& my friend Ahiella she's my neighbors little sister we went to take pictures &go get some Mc. Donalds &when we was ordering they dudes came in with this girl. So we went to go sit down and then I seen Kiya the girl I worked with I called her over &told her to introduce me to the boys. Girl tell me it was Kobe
Ida: No
Me: Bitch yes the Mike was them
Ida: As in the our brother Mike
Me: bitch yess
Ida: Oh wow
Me: Right,then I called Mike the other day after my date or w.e
Ida: Yeh
Me: He answered the phone while he was getting his dick sucked
Ida: Omg
Me: Talm bout if he didn't answer I was gone keep calling
Ida: I mean that is true
Me: Shut up nigga
Ida: You mad cause its true
Me: W.e
Me: Well I gotta go sis, I have to get ready for work. I love you
Ida: Ok bye sis love you too
Ft call ended with: Big Sissy👭🤞🏽❤
I continued to get ready for since I don't have that much time.

I finally made it to work even though I was 5 minutes late. Oh fucking well they gotta deal with it

Boss: Y/n you were late today why is that
Y/n: Bc of traffic sir&it was only 5 minutes
Idk why he tripping like I'm never late this my first time
Boss: Well since this is you're first time being to late cause you are never late,imma let this one time slide
Yes bitchhhh
Boss: next time its a point Ms. Johnson
Y/n: You got it sir

An update😛😛😛 This really just a filler finna update again tho I just had put one out before yall decide to find my address &kill me ✋🏽😐

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