Executive Decision, Part I

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The Xavier Institute

Hidden in the forests, Westchester's river shoreline is the remains of Salem Center's First Mission House of Worship. For many years it has been abandoned. Right near the grounds of the Xavier Institute, it is here where the children of the atom – the X-Men – bury their fallen.

Alex Summers stands at the grave of one of the X-Men's recent losses. She was known to the X-Men as Scanner. But to Alex, she was Alyssa. She sacrificed her own life so that the X-Men might survive. He cared for her. It wasn't love, he knows that. It was simply an attraction. But it was one that he wanted to pursue.

"Thought I'd find you out here."

He recognizes the voice of his brother, Scott, before he even turns around. When he does, he sees Scott leaning against a tree, arms folded across his chest. Whereas Alex is dressed in casual clothes, Scott stands in uniform, the exceptions being the ruby-quartz glasses as opposed to his visor and the lack of the standard X-jacket over the gray ribbed shirt.

"Not surprised," says Alex. "What's with the glasses? You don't need them anymore."

"Call it a security blanket," says Scott. "I'm still not completely used to having my eyes uncovered. Makes me feel naked. Plus, regardless of my powers being under control, my eyes are still a bit light sensitive."

"Good point," says Alex. "You here to check up on me or to avoid Charles?"

"Both actually," says Scott. "I haven't forgotten what he's done, so I'm still not ready to welcome him back to the fold. Plus, it weirds me out to see Juggernaut roaming around the school and not smashing it."

"Times are changing, but we'll adjust," says Alex. "Cain I don't mind so much. It's Deathbird that still bothers me. At least Cain's able to kick back and have a joke or two. Deathbird's still got that whole pompous attitude, and she expects everyone to bow at her feet whenever she walks by."

"You know, it's kind of stupid for us to avoid the real issue here," says Scott, motioning to the grave they stand in front of. "Especially since it's the proverbial elephant in the living room."

"You know the drill, Scotty," says Alex. "She was an X-Man, she knew the risks going in. It's the same risks we've known for most of our lives. It comes with the uniform."

"I tell you... if I had a nickel for every time I said those words to myself when Jean 'died'..."

"Let me guess... you'd be able to buy your own mansion."

"Pretty much," says Scott. "The words seem pretty empty when you've lost someone you care about, don't they?"

"Did I really care about her that much?" asks Alex. "I mean, I didn't know her that well. I was attracted to her, but did I really care about her? Maybe it was just purely physical and I'm making it out to be something more than it really is."

"That's bullshit, Alex."

"Is it? I mean... maybe I'm just trying to replace what Lorna and I had. Or maybe I'm trying to be like the good son and settle down with someone. Right now, I'm the same age you were when you married Jean."

"It's not a competition, Alex."

"That's what you don't seem to get, Scott," says Alex. "It is a competition. It's always been a competition where the Summers brothers were concerned. And ever since we were kids, you were always in the lead, and I was the one standing in your shadow."

Alex looks down at his hands as they begin to glow with the plasma energy his body controls.

"When I was shuffled off to that other reality, Lorna came after me," says Alex. "She came after me, she brought me home. And what do I do? I push her away. The last time I talked to her, I yelled at her. I yelled at her for coming after me, when it's the exact same thing I would do if our roles were reversed. And do you know why I did that?"

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